
Sunbather is the record of the decade

This is a great-grand(mother) story but close enough:

Arthur & Marilyn were the Keith & Anita of 1958!

They don’t care which playwright’s toes they step on!

I’ll have to re-watch Hill Street Blues to see if it holds up, but pre-teen me loved it.

Yours can be disproved fairly easily, two words, Terry Funk.

laffs and overwrought drama while endlessly trying to make us believe in (the protagonist) as both an ubermensch and as a sad, lonely victim of...ingratitude? Jealousy? His own perfection? It doesn’t work at all and it comes off very badly.

There was a certain juvenile quality to the show at times. This ^ that youve mentioned, the non-sexual sexual tension (“we like our cute boys to fancy each other but I dont want them to actually do anything”), the sheer amount of aggressively awkward and lonely characters, the fact that the scary people are the ones


Agreed but it fooled me for two seasons

He actually compared the fans to “a humungous man-child petting little rabbits to death”

Sherlock was never that good to begin with. I will fight on this.

I ate him, he was delicious!

Does anyone, on either side, give the slightest fuck what Bill Maher has to say at this point?

Yes, the Sum of All Fears was terrible, but they got so much worse after that. Clancy’s writing veered into the Ayn Rand school of “let’s do 40 pages of polemic disguised as plot,” and they became nearly unreadable.


[whispering to cat while watching Iron Eagle when Louis Gossett Jr first appears on the screen]
That’s Chappy.


“I’m a limey brit, wot wot!”

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.