
(twitch... twitch...) I don’t know, my parents let me watch all kinds of scary films as a kid, and I turned out just fine. (twitch... twitch...)

As the parent of 2 well-adjusted teenagers: no, you are not. I’m still laughing.

Wow, if you randomly skip around in the video, jumping back and forth, his speech pattern makes as much sense as if you play it linearly!

Yeah man.... so many unanswered questions!

I completely agree. And I also am not old.

Have you considered that maybe that’s exactly what happened to us?

Frankly I barely even remembered

Tara: I wanna kill Dwight!

<slow clapping> well done!

Oh my god you are right! I had totally forgotten that bit

Just about the same level of hairiness too! 

Open the pod bay door please HAL... HAL, open the pod bay door! Dammit HAL open the freakin garage already!!

And it’s never ever boring!

Sustainably sourced!

“Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea.” Seems perfectly reasonable. 

The Blob - I was probably about 5 years old and saw it on TV. When it rolled through the movie theatre... I have to admit, not as scary in my 40s.

My wife was also traumatized by this when she was little

Does anyone the Canadian air date for season 3??

Well, at least the first line wasn’t “To Serve Man”