
I think the best advise is to have exactly as much caffeine as you usually have. If you don't get your usual fix you'll be understimulated, possible have a headache, and not be up to your normal performance level. If you take more than your usual amount, then you'll be jittery and overstimulated. Have what you usually

We got our kids' phones when they started junior high, meaning our youngest got hers this September. They both take the bus (public transit) to school, and do stay late due to clubs and volunteer activities, so it's very nice to have ready communications. They are both very responsible, and know the phones are

1989. Oh it was a sweet machine... It was a Data General One laptop. It had 2 3.5" floppy drives, a non-backlit LCD screen, and a 300baud modem. The dual floppy was great because I could have my DOS 3.0 disk in one, and my "word processor" and files on the other. I think it had 604K of RAM, and an 8088 processor.

I'm in the same boat. I'm in IT consulting, all of it on PC. I'm at my friend's place, and try to use his Mac, and I can't do anything with it. One button on the mouse. WTF? Same with iPhones.

On the other hand, using Hydrogen would encourage people to ride very safely.

I hope that's a dummy... 'cause if he isn't, the helment didn't work!

You set up an account on their site. Then you create your "envelopes". You get 10 for free, (I pay the $3/month to get 20). You label them eg. groceries, insurance, eating out, etc. You assign them an amount, then when you get paid, you "distribute" money to all the envelopes. As you use the money, you enter the

We started using EEBA (Easy Envelope Budget Assistant) in the fall - super straightforward to use and it's really helped us keep to a budget. You just have to be diligent in entering all your transactions. It's available on Android and iPhone, and I can't recommend it enough.

At a bike safety presentation by police, we were told to not even let kids put stickers on their helmets. They can affect how it slides on the ground in a crash; I don't imagine attaching things that stick out would be any better....

This past weekend, I tried the suggestions on this article: I didn't wait for the meat to come to room temperature; I seasoned it long ahead of time; I flipped it often (no fork though); most importantly, I used and instant read thermometer. The verdict: Excellent article, the steaks turned out perfect, with no

I am extremely grouchy when awakened at night. My kids learned early it's best if dad gets his sleep.

Reading this has made me hungry for steak.

When I bought this baby, I knew I had arrived

My inbox is a huge jumble of stuff, so this looks good to me.

My inner 14 year old is saying "best comment thread ever!". Kudos to all.

Here is how I decide which to buy:

Keurig, with re-usable k-cups filled with coffee of my choice in the mornings. I went through a french-press period, but I find them hell to cleanup. I do like using an old fashioned percolator when camping.

I still miss that feeling of anticipation you got hearing the little floppy-drive boot up noises...

ha! And it was worse if you had sweaty hands...

yay! I miss those