
Most of the sex that happens on a college campus is consensual. I repeat: MOST SEX THAT HAPPENS ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS IS CONSENSUAL. Taking rape culture seriously does not require ignoring that basic fact. These signs are stupid, but having gone to college, engaged in a lot of consensual sex and knowing many others who

I don’t *like* these kids, but I’m really not sure why this is newsworthy. “19-year-olds act moderately obnoxious, film at 11”

What’s the big deal?

Not sure why signs like these are suddenly getting attention. I saw these around campus 5 years back when I went to a large Big 10 school. Though the signs are in poor taste, I don’t think rape was the intended message. Wanting girls at your party has been a thing since parties were invented. Its a joke about young

Frat Guys Gross