or maybe hire a divorce lawyer instead because gross?
or maybe hire a divorce lawyer instead because gross?
Feminists don’t have a sense of humor! /s
1. Wow, those are some big boobs he made.
You’re on a post about a little boy who was raped and murdered and you’re most worried about internet commenters saying mean things about convicted sex offenders?
So you’re equating stealing with kidnapping, rape and murder? There are a handful of crimes that society can’t be expected to take someone back after they’ve committed them. Throw away the key or execute them. Either way, they shouldn’t be free.
Are...are you defending sex offenders??
What? If you’re a sex offender, you’ve already committed a crime. Not at ALL the same thing as equating all Muslims to terrorists.
Are they really less likely to reoffend? Or just less likely to get caught a second time? How many offenses will they commit before they get caught the first time?
Sex offender laws too harsh eh
I can’t believe this is a real thing.
Wasn’t that video stolen and published without her permission?
I’m not a feminist...? I just consider myself an advocate for women. There are also no evangelical Christians where I come from, so I can’t really compare.
Of course not. He is her delicate baby boy.
When Times Square is your idea of “traveling” in NYC, you’re officially doing it wrong.
I wasn’t being absurd. I just though that it’s the natural outcome of your position that women should be as free to commit atrocities in the name of the military as men. Women killing in the name of the US government seems to be ok by you. Why not do it on their own just like men do?
I think it’s absolute bullshit that women need to join the military to get the military to make changes regarding its’ soldiers health and safety. Like what the fuck? And you know full well it will be light years before we have leadership and policymakers that are 50% female.
A 73-year-old lady in Ireland was brutally raped and her victim statement just ripped me apart. She dedicated part of it to all the women and children who were abused and silenced (by families and institutions) in Ireland for so many years:
I am in agreement with France’s decision because of the “why” behind the burkini. In 1400 year old Koran doctrine, lust and temptation are treated as sins, and women are blamed for this. Men also made women shoulder the responsibility for their actions. In a nutshell, Muslim men said, “Hey, if you’re not dressed…
Actually they’re imposing legislation to prevent women from being forced to be shrouded for a make-believe deity. That’s it, dum-dum.
Never Again. On the one hand, it was valuable to know why we didn’t work, and we finally ended it TWO MONTHS BEFORE OUR WEDDING. But on the other hand, maybe we would have been just fine never living together.