
Am I the only one disappointed by a lack of references to Doug Demuro?

How many new drivers are actually going to buy a Jaguar SVR? You also sound like a little bitch trying to ruin everyone else’s good time.

Washington lets different areas add their own fees... so everyone who has a vehicle in the areas where they’re going to build out light rail now has a $300+ annual tab for their vehicle.

My loving father took me to see Jaws when it first came out-I was 3 or so. He put me in swimming lessons the next week. For a solid month, I didn’t do anything but cling to the side of the pool and shiver I was so scared.

wrong, it’s
user name:admin
password: admin.

Yeah...this one’s actually quite nice...

Have you seen his other Jeeps? This thing is mint!

Quantum Leap? I smell a reboot!

You mean... you did nazi that coming?

So true. Or just charge a lump sum when a car is registered in CA for the first time.

Oh gosh I wish that CA registration were only $50/year.

That wouldn’t work around here - our police use an expired sticker as an excuse to pull you over, harass you, search your car, and then write you a $500 ticket.

I’d have worked on one, but I’m pretty sure government employees are a protected class in California and I don’t want to be prosecuted for a hate crime.

“put many of them out of work”

There is a DMV joke in here somewhere about the difference between working and being employed.

I’m sure the California DMV workers are unionized and vote. Your idea would put many of them out of work, so even though it makes perfect sense it will never happen.

If this takes off (and for the love of all that is good, I hope it doesn’t), here are some things I plan to invent:

So, who wants to lay odds on the amount of time before someone hacks* the DMV and changes every license plate in the state of California to “PENIS”?

Ah, another solution for a problem that doesn’t exist.

They have less “soul”, but I don’t think that will stop people from liking them.