
I get secretly excited anytime I have to rent a car and it’s a base Yaris/Mazda3, but with a tiptronic style automatic that let’s me choose gears

I own a lot of things I don’t need. Like, almost everything I own. I’m not sure why I should limit myself to base utility specifically on my car.

BMW. I would rather have an E30, E28 or an E24 over their modern offerings. Does that make them better? I don’t know— I’d honestly argue that the E30 is a better car than later gen 3-series, but the 5&6 series modern equivalents are quantifiably better in every way other than looks and potentially driver engagement.

Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you!I Please forgive me! By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth

Nok is is Finnish, not Norwegian. I know, it’s easy to get the Scandinavian countries mixed up.

Hahahahahaha...sorry, let me catch my breath. With a 12, nigh 13 year old Audi you are basically buying yourself the scary Victorian house at the end of the street that everyone marvels at but you know people get murdered and turned into wall art in there. I’m telling you from experience, do NOT go in there.

Dude. Chill out before going straight to reaction.

If you listen to the Electrek crowd you’d think we were 75% solar by now.

Yeah, when you’re a small country with a pretty homogenous population that got rich selling dirty fuel to the rest of the world, you can try cool things.

Ironic. Norway’s generous welfare state is funded by its vast reserves of oil, all owned by the state. Oil is about a quarter of the Norwegian economy, it’s produced roughly 1.5 trillion dollars in the past 40 years.

Watch both laps. When Senna was racing the pavement was a lot less even. The car was getting tossed around by the bumps and he spent huge amounts of effort catching and correcting the car mid corner. You see almost none of that with Ricciardo.

Created by France and the U.K. is a bit overly simple. The anti-women laws are driven by religious beliefs more than geo-political treaties.

They stopped donating money like 6 years ago. Lots of us gays eat there too at this point.

your fry preferences are bad and you should feel bad

I’m a millennial and Chick-fil-a is honestly the greatest. It’s the only fast food place besides Whataburger and Which Wich that I genuinely like instead of tolerate.

I don’t know if Recognitions even believes what they write, as much as they just really really want to be their idea of RIGHT, which often manifests as taking easy positions, and then willfully misinterpreting anyone who disagrees with them. It’s painfully performative, and I often wonder what they get from it other

Oh here we go.

It is! Everyone’s been so nice! They told me I was so cool and I totally knew what I was talking about!

I’m starting to suspect this Archie Bunker fellow isn’t fully woke.

You know, Moe was pretty mean to Curly.