This is a you problem, not a Caitlyn Jenner problem.
This is a you problem, not a Caitlyn Jenner problem.
Dear Social Conservatives:
What difference does it make what she thinks? This isn’t about her, this is about how advertising affects women in general. It’s the Advertising Standards Authority, not the Health and Safety Executive or whatever. Note how the decision talks about how the ad makes her appear, not about what she might look like irl or…
My best friend still pines for a wanker who dumped her five years ago. They dated for less than six months, but it damn near killed her. He was the perfect bloke until he decided couldn’t commit himself to her or anyone as he had to travel a lot with work.
It was a valid question like 50 years ago. But since it was first posed, feminists have debated it ad nausium. Constantly asking if women can ever really be feminists if they wear the clothes they wear has severely hurt feminism; women don’t want to come march for abortion rights and paid maternity leave if they’re…
This is the most ridiculous garbage statement I have ever read in my life and I hope you reread it and feel actual shame and disappointment in yourself.
Hey Bud Light, it’s your shitty beer that’s supposed to be absolutely tasteless, not your advertising!
well this comment fucking sucks, is the thing.
At CYO dances in my youth, if you were dancing and any part of you other than hands were touching, a priest or a nun would walk by and admonish you to “leave room for the Holy Ghost.” I went to Catholic school so I knew better than to ask a priest or a nun a question like this, but I did always wonder what kind of a…
Is this a serious response? Like, did you really just pull the "People are being raped, so discussing everyday sexism that women encounter is trivial"? Because I actually had a modicum of respect left for you before you stooped to this truly pathetic rebuttal.
"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."
It’s true you can’t win. I have been a confident, bold, assertive woman since I was very very young. It always baffled me growing up (and contributed a lot to my depression) that not only children but adults dots like me...when I was 12, a youth pastor told me it was his personal goal to help me “change” my…
I get a new one because I have a right to have an orgasm. If he can't deal with the "pressure," he needs therapy, not to use my body without having the ability and willingness to get me off. It's not rocket science. It's actually not that difficult. You just need to give a damn. If you don't, you're history. And if…
I'm recently divorced and living alone for the first time ever. It's AMAZING. My ex husband was super critical and I am experiencing freedom like I've never known.