now ur just getting catty.
now ur just getting catty.
I have a sexual harassment work story I think it's interesting, but I'm not a waitress. I work with people with developmental disabilities. I hope no one's offended; last time I told a story about work where I portrayed one of the people I work with in a negative light, lots of people here were offended. I'm very much…
Because so much time was devoted to showing off fancy action shots, not a lot really happened by way of plot
I never had bad luck with dates or flings, especially with the kinds of men who look good on paper. There was the…
You are so wrong, only because Zoya Pixiedust polishes exist. Those are the best textured polish out there. It's like sugar on your nails, just sparkly and pretty. Proof (from polishaholic):
I am glad that you did not dismiss hooks and her viewpoint (like the Gawker article did).
I won't argue that her stomach looks attractive, but I think it's disingenuous to praise people's dramatic weight loss while hiding what a body that's lost that amount of weight actually looks like.
Did the mayor barf on his wife's tits?
... Didn't manage to get hold of your coat button, did she?
Australia and New Zealand are two separate countries and two very distinct land masses. I said nothing about the "Australian continent," only New Zealand.
the secret is: we don't really want you to. menfolk invented and perpetrate that as a way of demonstrating power over each other and over women. stop doing it and it won't be missed by anyone except those who have also bought into the patriarchal bullshit, and you don't want them anyhow.
I am pretty sure what I did was illegal, but hopefully the statute of limitations has expired. I dated an terrible person, when I became pregnant, he told me that he didn't want to hear about it. When I broke up with him he wrote me a long letter detailing all the reasons I should kill myself. He would call, text,…
I'm on a month-long camping trip with a bunch of other college students. There's this guy I like, and he likes me. We sit together every day, tell each other secrets, it's cute as hell. There's a girl on the trip who doesn't really have friends yet, so one day I invite her to sit between me and this guy. The three…
That's just shifting the blame. No one has an obligation to like you, and if a woman isn't interested in you, it's not necessarily because she's shallow or "entitled to the studly men." I'm a fat, depressed man who writes openly about being fat and depressed and I do just fine. You're the one that sounds entitled.