
Whoops turns out somebody uploaded to youtube in January.

I've wanted to see this ever since the original trailer popped up and went as far as vaguely considering driving out to Victorville or wherever it was playing for one week. The director did sell DVDs for a while but it has basically become totally unavailable.

Oh, that this too too solid flesh would melt.

Bruno Kirby spinning in his grave.

For whatever it's worth, Ragnar Kjartansson's "The Visitors" installation was the highlight of the Broad museum.

VHS tapes may have lacked resolution and CRT monitors may have lacked contrast, but the "flaws" that a direct digital capture reveals are things that would have been filtered or smoothed out in a CRT presentation. It's obvious that the retail tape was mastered bright to get the most out of limited playback equipment.

On the one hand it just looks like a poor Ghostbusters rip, and on the other, it's beyond perverse to stage a 10-minute effects sequence AFTER all your characters are dead and the emotional arc of the story is finished. But the main flaw is that they just used every scrap of footage on the blu-ray. The concept of

I agree. Everybody got a full arc. Everyone ended up in a place that made sense and was justified in terms of their motivations, the story etc. What happened with Will is less a cliffhanger and more a payoff, acknowledging that he's going to be dealing with the lingering trauma of what happened in spite of the

Well, he kind of leans on how terrible it is that somebody of Chuck Berry's standing be subjected to such indignity, and then you remember that Chuck Berry just liked to watch videos of ladies peeing.

That joke about brain implants doesn't land anyway, because the Beatles are consistently the last to adapt to format migration. You had to buy Japanese imports for most of the 80s if you wanted them on CD, they were slow to bring out vinyl-craze-era reissues, slow on digital and are still dragging their feet on

Yeah there was something unsatisfying about the ending they splodged together for the blu-ray. For one thing, it's impossible to get around the degree to which they were aping Ghostbusters. For another, situating a 10 minute action/effects sequence AFTER all your characters are dead and all emotional stakes have

Starting to think this whole thing is less a meth-addled joke and more of a crafily brilliant career plan. He's engineered a single act that combines the three things mid-tier rock club bookers love for those dead-weeknight filler slots…novelty acts, tribute/cover bands, and celebrity-fronted vanity projects. And