
There are no, repeat NO cars that are “too small for police work”, only cops who are too spoiled to make do with what the taxpayers give them.

Everyone in the story is a dickhead.  That is true.  

I feel pretty comfortable here saying that there are no heroes in this tale, just varying degrees of fragility and stupidity.  

It’s part of their training. If they can’t earn respect, they take it.

The guy’s a clown, but it doesn’t matter. The police are still wrong here.  Bunch of fragile thugs who can’t handle someone being mean to them but will turn around and crack someone’s skull as soon as the mood suits them.

Unlikely to even get discussed here. Streets (and there corresponding features, like traffic signals) are owned/operated by either the state, county, or city. While sometimes all of those entities will work together at certain locations, it’s quite common that they all forget the other even exists and build their TS

I don’t know, I wouldn’t bet republican. I’d bet Libertarian, but that particular kind of Californian libertarian where they’re basically right in line with all the usual hard republican positions on everything except drugs and explicitly supporting the Republican party, rather than the more midwest style libertarian


I’ve never seen his birth certificate, that’s all I’m saying. But his emails....

Is he even a citizen?

He’s straight up Ben Shapiro level, not merely Republican. He’s mentally ill if he thinks he gets any seat at the adult table.

He voluntarily goes by William. That's all you need to base your perception of his tastes on. He looked at the unlimited choices for names and went "never going to get better than this warmed over TV dinner of a name the Brits made famous."

This has already been discussed a million times. The first three movies are car movies, the rest are not.

And this is why Tokyo Drift is my favorite out of all of the Fast and Furious movies.

I’d argue that Tokyo Drift actually is a car movie.

I’ll take the bait - the Fast and Furious movies. They’re not good car movies. In fact, I’d argue they’re not even car movies, they’re just heist movies that, for the first few installations, hopped on the tuner car bandwagon and used street racing as a plot point (literally only the first film.)

Yes, the classic “get over it” argument.

Lewis had mediums too... and we all know how well he went off the line with those. Also even a new hard tire is way better than 40 lap old hard tires.

I derive no joy from this farce.

My only protest is that wife beating, opponent assaulting, emotional abusing c*nt Jos Verstappen got any joy out of this.