
Fancy words from Fancy Kristen. Do not get on her list.


no, no they are cathartic. at least, that’s what I am telling myself here about 0700 today.

But the world is greater because we have listened to her sing.

Damn, shouldn’t watch that so early, haven’t had coffee yet and now I have to redo my makeup.

Failure to secure a load? Odd, that’s how I wound up with twins.

He’s not talking about actual M, AMG, RS, and F cars, which you obviously are. Go back and read the article in full. He’s talking about the sport line packages that are primarily styling. 

Lauda allegedly coughed the lung up himself, pointed at it and said “Still more handsome than James Hunt” and walked out of the hospital.

You have it all wrong. This is all apart of his master plan, you see, when the revolution begins the infidels are going to assume that the whites supreme leader lives atop the highest mountain range in a fortified stronghold, not at his moms house, in a cramped, dusty basement.

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”

This is what the Jeep Renegade should have been

I did the Peace Corps in West Africa, and hopped this train for a free ride to the coast on an extended trip with my girlfriend when we finished our service. It’s totally nuts.

We are talking about truckers here, so the correct terminology please.

TIL that I get weather news from Lifehacker. How TF did I not hear this already?

I think the guy that filmed this is a snitch and I hope every car he ever owns suffers from constant electrical gremlins as karmic payback.

“Some vegetarians... do eat seafood”

They were also the dominant people in power. So, the repercussions are nonexistent. But, we can start at the next State of the Union and see how it goes. If the white man can shout “you lie” we can certainly bark a supremacist in chief

Ash? That was dirt left over from the gutter she woke up in.

Fuck this posturing, irritating, fake-ass bitch. I love that she spent all Wednesday with a fucking ash cross on her forehead to pander to her viewers. Maybe think about what Jesus would say about the wealth inequality in this country, you hateful cunt.