
Ive tested this at length with my brother, butt naked fume sword for me vs full havel fume sword for him, he always broke my poise after 2 hits and kept going. I put on havel and we both landed 3 swings on each other. Hyperpoise is traditionally a point in a weapons swing where one takes reduced poise damage. More

You, i like you. I dont see why people dont get this yet poise is only tied to great weapon hyperpoise frames, with more poise giving a better chance to maintain form during the swing (not iframes) its useless for little weapons, and uneccesary for little weapons. People Trying to use it with little weapons, i say to

Poise works during the hyperpoise frames of a great weapon’s swing. The higher it is the more likely you are to maintain form during that swing. Poise is meant for slow great weapons, not fast little ones. As a souls fan, i believe this the right way to go. Poise in ds1 was a joke. An Easy mode for srubs. Little

Theres no such thing as stun locked into oblivion, every attack can be rolled out of after 2 hits. The best pvp builds late game are strength builds with high poise and great weapons. Utilize youre range given your slow startup and bait them into a trade. Youll take a little hit from a small weapon, power through it

Thats still the case, except now they have to be mid swing to activate thier hyperpoise frames, in a trade the lighter weapon will still loose, landing 1 Hit While getting staggered and the heavier poises through delivering 2 in return

Poise is not a broken stat nor is it bugged or “not turned on” it is a stat that activates during the hyperpoise frames of great weapons and halberds. The higher your poise stat the more likely you will be to maintain form through an attack with the afore mentioned weapons during a swing (which is when hyperpoise