
The musical remix actually make this situation less absurd.

Oh god

Ooo. Is Kyosuke becoming a main-pager? Awesome.

Not airbrushed...still could be wearing makeup. It's not just for your face.

As a "traditionally attractive" woman and a feminist, I will politely disagree. While I have run into some denigration because of it, for the most part, what I hear is people simply asking that "traditionally attractive" people recognize that they are such, and the associated privileges that come with it.

To the few "men are misrepresented too" posters I've seen, and to those who will no doubt post similar arguments, please listen to the following very carefully:

Except that pop culture name refers to something world wide and not exclusive to NA practices. That's my point, the terms spirit animal and power animal are general and refer to practices found in many cultures. The "actual name" would only be appropriate if you are talking about something very specific.

Well, had I described myself as "small" you might have a point. I would never describe myself as small. However, taking into consideration the context of this story and this comment, the point is that I am not a plus-sized woman, I have absolutely no difficulty fitting into any piece of furniture anywhere, so it makes

Hey, welcome to the life of an Asian guy! If we're not that attractive, then we might as well be leper morlocks. If we're hot, then we're deemed good enough to be considered as attractive as average white guys.

"The people who have sex with married people certainly are kind of jerks, but its not their responsibility to uphold anyone else's marriage vows."

Analogies are allowed. Yours just suck.

+10 for Firefly reference. The special hell indeed.

No. A stranger owes you nothing. Is it a little heartless? Sure! But they're not really the wrong doer, the spouse that does the cheating is. I've never understood this thing with women getting so pissed at the other woman, she made you no promises, your husband did! He's the one you live with, direct your rage at him!

You are being obtuse right now. First off you can tell Gonzo/Wax wasn't being MRA with the comment. Wax is on GT and is cool. I myself, when buzzfeed did an article highlighting male rape victims, was happy that they showed how sexual abuse harms both women and men. Often times there are men who think these issues of

The problem is that they try to politicize those experiences by relating them to broader social problems like violence towards women, violence towards gay men, violence towards children, violence towards the disabled or the mentally ill or violence towards the elderly.

Though his gaming comments are definitely off-colour, it's not "creepy" to ask that we remember that abuse is sometimes perpetuated by women toward men and boys, as long as it is not meant as a derailment of an established conversation about something else. We should not insist that someone not have a voice if they

You know, when we talk about feminism having trouble with heteronormativity and cissexism, of it not being particularly welcoming to male victims of abuse, this is really the kind of comment that we're talking about. An appreciation for gender-neutral language shouldn't be some red flag for someone being an MRA, and