Anatoli Ossai

1. If Father Bennett dies we riot. He's a freaking demon assassin from the Holy order. You don't kill a character like that in the back of a Soccer mom-van. He's in my humble opinion The exorcist's "Daryl". Pragmatic, efficient and no bullshit. I like Bennett.

Why do I find Killer Frost hotter than Dr Caitlin ? Like I've never found that actress remotely attractive but everytime she goes cold blooded, I can't stop watching

Well Barry is an emotionally weak male who has destroyed the lives of his closest friends for 3 seasons running… pun intended

Felix and Sylvester , really? When do the ends justify letting loose a psychopath robot on company property? Shut this party down and go tell a grown-up what you've done, because beyond being an imbecile and a coward, you also lack any personal responsibility or dignity. Fucking Felix Aaaaaaargh!!


It was dark in the house. The scene was written to be purposefully ambiguous. Everyone had the "wait. what?" moment. Same as the last two times Ford brought up Bernard's dead son casually and dead pan in conversation. Bernard being a Host was theory on these message boards for the last 3 episodes

But it's still a serialized story and the audience is privy to this information. You can't tell a fictional story in a boring, predictable, monotonous way because that's more realistic. That's just bad story telling.

I don't know how it is in the comics but this system of leadership is practically slavery and unsustainable. There's a difference between a benevolent dictator (The Governor) and a tyrannical oppressor (Negan). I would have followed the governor, flaws and all. How Negan's avoided assassination with all the

But why doesn't sly memory wipe Maeve too like he's done with the other hosts who were humped without sanction?

I don't understand why they couldn't shut down Maeve and report the incident to management. LIke, what does she have of them??!

Homicide is still a crime. Westworld isn't a sovereign nation. It's a theme park for the 1%

I would think it's no different from climbing Everest. It's an expensive tour. Getting to the top isn't mandatory and is reserved for only experienced climbers. You have to sign a waiver with your expedition group because death is highly probable. And weaker or sick climbers are welcome to stop at any of multiple base

It's the eyes

I dunno. Tommy's being behind the scenes for 4 years, stewing, and collecting Ollie's arrows? He would have had to be trained by malcom. And where was he during the Dharke arc and Armageddon plans, which would have killed all off team arrow including Laurel. Seems contrived. But hey, writers have pulled crazier stunts.

But the pit was destroyed. Can't have such a weak plot device existing on the show

Flashpoint was bad….really bad. But it writers moved VERY SWIFTLY along. It's better now.

Hahaha, I also Skip all of Felicity's Scenes!!! Episode is still cohesive without her

I've never read the comics, maybe they pull of Neegan's leadership better there. But on this show it's not believable. No leader rules alone. Rick leads his small merry band through loyalty and camaraderie. Ezekial and The Governor used community economics.

"Angels fulfill the will of God, which is entirely good" - The same god that ordered multiple acts of genocide and infanticide in the old testament?!

She doesnt look too healthy