Anatoli Ossai

What's insane is that I would have been totally fine with that outcome. Shocked and upset, but not shark jumping. That's the level of nihilism I approach this show with

This episode was moving a mile a minute! But why did Jack have to go back to the past? Surely the combined strength of him and Ashi would have brought down Aku. I don't think he had any right to alter the timeline like that and erase millions of people from existence. He literally altered reality. No one has the right

"i smell myself inside of her" Ahh, the innuendo is so good. Solid episode. Can't wait for next week!!!

Lara, Lara, Lara. Your husband is about to be arrested and you're setting up and a golden parachute. She never asked once if he was okay, or what she could do to help. And what's all this nonsense about what's hers? Girl youre a billionaires wife, stop acting like you earned a cent of that money.

I don't actually watch this hot mess, stopped in Season 1 after ep 4….i think. but I couldn't resist commenting after reading the headline

I thought this was the most boring hour of Television I've witnessed in quite some time. If more episodes have this pacing I'm checking out. Kevin senior is a moron with magical thinking. And somehow the universe coincidentally aligns with his madness which makes him infuriating to watch.

perhaps youre right. I don't read comic books

skipped this practically the entire season, heard rumblings on the wire. Tuned in just to see finally who Savitar was……Yawn.

I was thinking Frozone from The Incredibles

Rhodes just blew his entire $8mill trust fund and a sizeable chunk of his dads portfolio over what? some Hedgy? Even if he does bring down Axe, how do you recover financially from that? What does this scorched earth tactic get him? The chance to be right? Because he's essentially trading one Hedgy (the janitor, I

Didn't brody use his 9mm to kill the deer in Season 1? I mean honestly, Mike is just reaching at this point. And WTF how can he just stride into his friends garage unannounced…like honestly

Didn't brody use his 9mm to kill the deer in Season 1? I mean honestly, Mike is just reaching at this point. And WTF how can he just stride into his friends garage unannounced…like honestly


Whoa that's quite a comparison. Name dropping Hannibal and the leftovers? Aight, I'll give it a look

But you can't put the genie back in that bottle. The only direction is forward

He could feel her iris turning green

Elizabeth "Mantis" Jennings


Well she is as old as the earth. I would guess her patience for humanities endless cycles of selfishness and stupidity are a bore to her. If you've heard a millennia of stupid questions you'd have a short temper too.

Here's what i don't get. Julia's loss of her shade is akin to losing your ability to empathize. You are relegated to primal feelings like happiness and anger but not concern, and introspection is if it happens is simply an intellectual exercise. She went from genocidal and manipulative to feeling sorry and protective