
No it’s this article that’s horseshit. 24 had with its last two seasons gone to great lengths to establish new Bauer-like heroes not the least of which was Yvonne Strahovski’s great character. The people who write 24 can be fairly accused of a lot of mediocrity but they know what makes Bauer work and know how to

Nothing advances except in steps. Okay maybe writing tissue thin characters is a failing of writers in general but grumping about recognition for doing a good job (which, while it should be expected, IS NOT THE NORM) seems dreadfully counter-productive to me.

Maybe just what you need IS a sail...

I don’t know jack shit about cars but the sound that was coming out of that machine was enough to tighten my nuts. YIKES

Snowpiercer was alright. If you want a legit bad movie check out The Spirit or Punisher: War Zone.

Now playing

Substitute “scientific power” with “theatrical magnificence” and it’s basically the same.

I think the more important thing is to extrapolate that argument out to literally everything. Hillary is far and away the more likely of the two to actually push this country in a progressive/liberal direction. Dreams don’t amount to shit if you can’t wake up.

I don’t want to take away from the fantastic point you make — that your actions in other situations may have helped contribute to a culture that tells men that they have to entice (at least some) women into having sex with them — but to your underlying question I think the only reasonable answer is that rape is a term

Because then it becomes a “Sony term” that is just commonly used; kind of like buying your way into a brand name like Xerox or Kleenex or Band-Aid.

Well, I’ll be in my bunk.

Oh, were there people offended?

This is why Game Players magazine was the greatest; they gave you good and bad things about each of the parts of their overall score (unless a particular thing was really good or really bad) instead of just blathering on.

Except EGM sucked. There was a brief period where EGM was alright but that was when it was really the only guy left in town. Really Game Players magazine is where it was at in the SNES/Genesis days.

This game is still going? Wow crazy. I remember when I played at release I was actually VERY impressed by the balance between high and low level players that was so difficult to achieve in other games. My level 10 character with two level 10 friends were able to take on a level 30 by himself and it was a LOT of fun. I

Only in retrospect. The film itself is well structured but not only are we on the lookout for what’s going on due to factors outside of the film’s story it’s influential and so it’ll be easier to spot but I would still argue that’s not because of what goes on in the film itself. With The Sixth Sense it was even a

Moonlighting, Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Twelve Monkeys, The Fifth Element, Armageddon, Unbreakable, Sin City, Looper... the list goes on and on. Bruce Willis is a goddamn national treasure.

Okay I can generally restrain myself from sudden spoiler outbursts but hearing someone utter the words that ‘nobody likes Bruce Willis’ would cause me to have a violent reaction.

Gotta be real here he only spoiled the first 10 minutes of the movie for you. The “twist” is telegraphed like HELL. You should really just watch Unbreakable instead.

I’ve played more than a bit of SWGEMU (although it was a while ago). This is a game that needs more love. No MMO tries to build a world in the way that SWG did and we need its example for the future. City of Heroes too. We need more MMO’s that allow you to play the game in ways other than clicking on stuff to make the

Or you could just focus on the ones who are worth it now instead of worrying about the ones who would be so great if they just improved a little.