Maybe not but he deserves one for a lot of other things he’s done so that means he’ll win with one of his lesser deserving roles like almost literally everyone else who has ever won an oscar.
Maybe not but he deserves one for a lot of other things he’s done so that means he’ll win with one of his lesser deserving roles like almost literally everyone else who has ever won an oscar.
Maybe we should start treating dating like the presidency; anyone who asks to be part of the institution is probably too crazy to serve.
Everyone wants gun control but only of other people’s guns.
It’s a beta that over a million people have paid money for and are playing like a game. Regardless of anything else they’re stakeholders in the venture and consideration of their desires (even as you are attempting to create better long term health) is warranted.
Looks like she was trying to kill a spider using the standard Russian protocol.
Personally I find the sentiment that wonders why someone isn’t found to be attractive (see: the entire conceit of The Bachelor) only invites everyone else to ask the same thing. Okay I agree this girl is pretty but a big article that wonders why she wasn’t found to be attractive by one knob only makes me wonder why…
Love it! Just slap a bilinear filter on top of that bad boy and call it a DAY.
The OG CSI actually wasn’t like that at all and more often a really earnest attempt to display forensics (if the forensic techs were also detectives but that’s a stretch of a different color).
A buddy of mine tells a great story about how his Tiburon got smoked by a mail truck.
The halcyon days were when all the best online FPS games were Half-Life mods. Why? EVERYONE ALREADY OWNED HALF-LIFE. I played 30+ hours of Science & Industry because it was free which is 30+ more hours than I’m going to give an online only FPS that demands I pay full game price beforehand.
The “and I can never take this back” kind of suggests that their hand is being forced.
I’m a pretty die hard Hillary supporter and I generally hold the same opinion. I’d like to see the death penalty abolished, for the most part. Its practical application is too uncertain, too skewed, and too expensive to continue using. There is one application, however, that I feel should always carry with it the…
Considering how FIGHT CLUB is a movie about a man who’s coming to grips with his internal femininity and understanding how it’s not a threat to his masculinity maybe you should save that one for when your mom’s the one giving you a handie.
When I had my wisdom teeth taken out I was given a good dose of gas and put my headphones on. The Black Album by Metallica. I fell asleep during the procedure and recovered fully by the next day.