
Well, at least we know where the thing went after it left antartica now.


Ah The Excellent Lario Cousins. I played that game many times.

Aww, I loved that guy. He was a cool reminder of terrible people look when they get hit by the ugly tree literally falling on them.

Huh, I never even thought about who Gogo really is. I just assumed he was like a ninja, all skills and no name. He never really clicked with me, so maybe that’s why I never cared. Now Setzer and Relm I would have loved to see more of.

Still a big fan of Blackthorne. It just stuck with me.

Also a positive from me. I hate time limits in games. I can deal with it in things like Mario, but these days I’d much rather take my time and enjoy things. I loved the first game for example, but if I had the chance to grab Otis and feed him into a woodchipper I gladly would have.

I’m pleasantly surprised. Whenever a game languishes in development hell for so long, the end result is rarely pretty. I’m looking forward to trying this out. I do hope it doesn’t take another 9 years to get another game from the ICO team. The original was good if a bit frustrating, and Shadow was just amazingly fun.

No it’s a good point. You see it in a lot of autocratic states. Create bogeyman to keep the populace afraid and angry, and no one notices the man behind the curtain.

Oh man, I remember thinking this series was incredibly dumb. Then I played it, realized I had been playing for like 4 straight hours. It’s silly and addictive. It’s funny that I had just recently been thinking about a new version.

Pretty sweet, I’m psyched for this. 3rd succession war covers a large era of time. I will admit though, I’d love to see a game set during the first succession war, or during the war of reunification.

Also, make sure you have enough hair gel at all times. Remember to keep your collars popped. Gotta get to level 99 in the douchebag class.

That sounds great! I’ll also get one of those star pop pizzas they have there to complete the “WHY THE HELL AM I EATING THIS?!?” meal.

Yeah, most of the time it’s a pain to get the stupid thing on the spring loaded piece of crap. So on the counter it goes!

I think I’d have to use one if I ever do play a pokemon game. They are my avatar. Useless, probably tasty, and good at splashing things.

True, I understand the implication behind the Ubisoft statement, but I wouldn’t 100% agree with it. It’s the second part of the statement that is more relevant. That violence appeals to the “lizard” part of the brain. Triggering that kind of reaction, and then feeding it skinner’s box style creates a kind of feedback

Kinda weird, but the math seems to shake out a bit. It’s better overall, but I can see how people might be pissed at this, as in the short term it’s not as good after each tier, but in the long term it’s better.

I respect people who say, “Fuck it, let’s try something new” because otherwise shit is stale and boring. It’s like a lot of magic tournaments. Damn near everyone is playing the same basic things. It’s like staring at a featureless white wall, and then someone tosses up a painting. It’s a breath of fresh air.

That’s incredibly dangerous, and really, really stupid to have done. I have to admire getting a car over 200mph. I mean damn. 

Oh shit. bad. Y’know how gun fanatics (not the reasonable people with guns mind you) are always afraid of a national gun registry and are paranoid that would lead to confiscation?