
Is this the first round I’ve been playing, or have I been here before? I’m in so many times, places, and games right now I can’t keep it all straight.

I also heard rumors of a “Nuka World” and another workshop DLC from someone poking around in files. I’ll admit, my interest is piqued. I can’t wait for Far Harbor though. I’ll release Nick from his torture cage, and we’ll explore Maine together. Then it’s back in the box.

As both a gay woman, and a poli sci major, I find this hilarious. How long until some idiot on the right uses this as ammunition. Also, I’m kinda jealous, being a member of the IBTC. sigh

He meant psychics. Anna knew it in her mind, due to a psychic beaming the info into her head. (Wear your tinfoil hat when doing conspiracy stories!)

I agree. The review is fine, and people are entitled to their opinions. I am interested in where the score came from, but who knows.

Now playing

Oh man, this line made me crack the hell up. Can’t help it.

The only thing that surprises me for this texas incident is that there was no gunfire.

Ok, let’s look at this.

It’s still funny that they had a nuclear research reactor just tucked in a basement. I’m feeling echoes of The Dark Knight Rises.

I always knew that son of a bitch was a synth. If you shot him, I bet he would bleed oil.

This is actually a very intersting art installation / protest. I find that fascinating, and rather inspirational. Also, can’t deny the appeal of naked women. Rawr.

Man fuck this game, fuck firaxis, and fuck you Sid Meier. Your games are like crack, sweet sweet, one more turn crack. I hate you all. Now take my money, while I cry in a corner before going back to 4x rehab.

Ah, the fuckbags of gamergate rear their head again. With more spooky conspiracies. A game got a low score? CONSPIRACY. Can’t be because, well, the game was average at best as reflected in the score. Has to be an ulterior motive. I guess when you wear tinfoil hats, you are honor bound to find the conspiracy in

I love this. It isn’t working! Nope, working as intended. They either need to say what the situational use of it is, or just say it is a trap stat or something.

To be completely fair, crafting hasn’t really been that good since BC. Back then, crafted goods were often the best you could get for quite awhile. (looking at you tailoring!) Wrath toned it down quite a bit, Cata made it worthless, Mists was still pretty lousy, Warlords was ok in the sense you could craft pretty good

If I ever decide to do a video like this about my pimped out car, I swear it’ll be something like this awesome lada.

I am a fan of Beyonce, but actions like this are just silly. It’s like hero worship to the nth degree. Honestly things like this just make your fan base look bad. (True of any musician, actor, comedian, or whatever) Am I just too old to really “get” this? If I am, I’ll just hobble over to the retirement home and call

I was actually surprised no one died. I mean there was a crippling injury, and a maiming, but nothing else of consequence to anyone involved. Which is bizarre considering the powers of the heroes involved. It’s a little hard to see most fights where people do crazy shit non stop (airport), and nothing seems to be at

I wasn’t a huge fan of the series, but after playing 3 with a friend, I was surprised how fun it was. Of course, Nathan kind of comes off....shall we say...sociopathic? He kills people left and right and drops quips about it. I know there is a disconnect between the game and the story, but damn if he doesn’t come off

Honestly, at this point I just look at a lot of the gaming community, and just wonder about the pissing and moaning about these things, then continuing to buy them anyway. Sure some gamers are passionate, and that’s great. A lot of passionate people can have lots of great feedback. Others however are just noise. Many