
I hate the expression butt hurt. It just makes whomever says it look childish. I wish Mr. Brooks success in the octagon, because hey, it was his goal to fight in MMA, and by jove he’s doing it. So what if he gets knocked out in his first fight. Even if he did no more fights after, he still gets to say, yeah I was part

That was a pretty spiffy trailer, but not having played the first game...How the fuck does North Korea conquer the US? They can’t even launch a missile that would hit Japan. Our military is mind bogglingly huge, with enough firepower to level the planet, and we get conquered by the Kim family? o.O

Sweet, I bought myself this game for Channukah and I’m loving it. New shit is always a good thing. (unless it’s expensive as hell, in which case fuck off)

As a transwoman, I can definitely attest to society being more of a danger to us. When I was 24, I had my knees shattered as well as a few ribs, because some guys who were hitting on me, realized my “deception” as they called it. Not only were 3 guys working me over with a bat, and kicks, but there had to have been at

I swear I did a thing to drive off raiders from Warwick. No big deal. I fast travel to goodneighbor to sell that crap, and as soon as I’m done with KLE0 I get a message it’s under attack again. Keep in mind this is about the 12th or so time I’ve defended this town, despite having an absurd defense rating. A bunch of

I’m starting to think that Preston didn’t make himself leader of the minutemen, because then he’d have to do his own damn work. I still have no idea why he’ll send me to rescue a kidnapped person, bring them back, only for them to get recaptured the instant I turn it in? WHO IS STEALING PEOPLE and PUTTING THEM IN

I truly, deeply am saddened by this news that pirates are having a hard time with new security measures. I think I shall break out the world’s tiniest violin and play them a dirge.

To me, this just seems weird. If Oculus hadn’t said the cost of the unit, but still disputed the $1500 claim, they would have been better off. As it stands, you have some portion of people still pissed about Facebook buying Oculus, and a very large portion that doesn’t intend on paying $600. That leaves a small

Now to get her to do brownface, yellowface, and redface. Then she’ll have insulted everyone equally!

That was fucking pimp. The song towards the end was so perfect. Dear Hearts, and Gentle People Indeed. That room pissed me off so much. I died so many times I eventually said fuck this shit, went back for that double shot fat man with the mirv addon and just went to fucking town. I’ve also been known to use that mirv

If it was a butt, then how much pain is it in from bending their spine around like that? That would be crazy even in a comic standpoint. Where, if you don’t know, they like to pose women in Escher like ways to show off the T&A.

Buttercup always seemed to me, like she’d be a trucker, or bouncer when she got older. Jobs that let her get out aggression.

Man, I loved that show when I was younger, and this is just hilarious. I’m not sure what was better, the synchronized air humping, or Blossom pulling a switchblade. The other two weapons were funny, but not as funny. (though the minigun was damn funny)

Yikes, that’s not a great price point to enter at. That’s more than any console, and the price of a pretty good graphics card, or a cheap laptop.

In their defense China is merely doing what we did during WWII. Johnston Atoll, was essentially a man made island base. Originally it was just Johnston Island, but additional construction during WWII turned this small naval base into a sub refueling station and airstrip. Hell the navy seized control of the island in

Fuck, I hated duck and cover drills. They were so aggravating, since we all knew we were fucked anyway.

Well, they are definitely jamokes but still fucking terrorists. I mean, they have done something incredibly stupid while heavily armed, but on the other hand they are white, so we’ll take them alive. Because you are a protected part of society, heavily armed white men.

The nice thing is you only have to pick one in the second phase of quests. Before that, you can be a member of the railroad, the brotherhood, and the minutemen, and then join the institute and then just don’t advance the main quest to chill with all the factions.

Truly they are the hero that Hyrule needs, and the hero they deserve.

I will say this, I have now encountered manta man, whom was ironically killed by water creatures. What he couldn’t talk to them?