
We didn’t get all those trailers when I saw it, but yeah the zootopia one got a huge positive reaction in my theater. Oddly, the turtles trailer made me want to see it because of Bebop and Rocksteady. I’ll probably be good and drunk when I go see it to balance out the bayisms, but what can I say other than, Bebop and

Nice perk, too bad Mac is a dick though. I can’t stand using him, or the robots. I use mainly Piper and Cait. Piper’s perk is really awesome, because double xp for a charisma build is great. Cait is awesome when you want to be kind of an asshole. Need to steal shit? Bring Cait. Need to persaude people and be a nice

That’s pretty easy for me. I’ve played every final fantasy game out there, including some homebrews. I grew up with them, and some of my favorite childhood moments involved those games. Don’t get me wrong, I love the persona series but it doesn’t have the same emotional attachment for me. I don’t like all the final

Looks fun! I’m hoping for a Chibi Sabin who will suplex a train again. Maybe a chibi Rydia who summons adorable monsters that wreck shit up.

That’s kind of sad. If you want to be in control of it, you’d best know what the fuck it is. As a kid I knew exactly what it was, starting around age 3. Dad was part of SAC, so all my early books were things on icbms, bombers, subs, in these strategic Russian guides, which showed their military buildup. It was pretty

Let’s see, the mr. gutsy enforcing a curfew due to the war, the synth shootout (like 5 times!) The preston impersonator, which happened honest to Eris, with him in my party. It was hilarious. Cait hitting on everyone. Nick mentioning I’d look good as a robot. (found out that happens in power armor) So many cute easter

The syringer is my favorite dickhole weapon. I love using lockjoint to knock things off buildings. It’s always funny to shoot, and then watch a super mutant plunge to the ground. Othertimes, I like to use it on hills, just to watch them tumble down, like someone dared them to roll down a hill.

I found the game intermittently difficult. A lot of times, it was pretty easy, then everytime you go near a place, you get to spike the nuclear football. (Fuck you libertalia)

Cait is pretty awesome. I used her, I think #3 in line? Damn good fighter, and useful skills. Her detox quest made me feel good.

Shit, I use piper all the time. Her affection is stupid easy to raise, so you’ll get her companion perk (which is awesome for charisma people) and romance her. Other than her, I think I really only used deacon as a backup. Preston got fucking bugged, never got strong or curie, mac was just annoying, Nick was pretty

Where is shooting the exhaust port? We need it.

Haha! I was a discordian in my youth, but I’m a pagan these days. Goddess of strife and discord is my matron deity. Kind of like praying for bad luck to avoid you. Still eat my hot dogs without buns though. :)

Eris damn it! They combined two of my things. Magic (played since 94) and puzzles. Gonna have to try it.

That is awesome! That and 3d printing person should get a damn medal. Before you say that thing is totally silly, remember it is based on a real weapon from the 50s. The M-28/29 Davy Crockett. They never used it to my knowledge, because one, you’d be in the blast radius most likely, and two that would put the

Yeah, when I read it early on, it was just a different joke every posting. The only continuity was them beating the shit out of each other over the watch.

That is awesome, I love it. I love the stuff also that the AWE Me blacksmithing group makes. The blades people make are great. It’s amazing what people can do with their skills. I don’t know how effective it would be, but it would like damn cool anyhow.

I played the holy hell out of the vector arcade game. My dad would go bowling, and that was in the lobby. So I would play it while he did 3 games for his league. Between that games, and Macg\yver,/A-Team, I was living it up. I’ve never understood the obsession with recreating the hoth run. I mean, if you had to do it,

I’m sorry for anyone who is offended by this. Japan has different cultural mores than we do. So if we need to cover up underage girls who are overtly sexualized, I don’t see the problem. Oh no,this 15 year old has clothes on, guess I can’t beat off to that. It’s not a big deal at all. If you are annoyed by this, then

I give 0 fucks about the “special edition changes” Authors and directors like to change their movies all the time. Star Wars changes started in 81 I believe. So you’d better be ready to track down the original 70s version without the “new hope” bit. This didn’t start post 97, it started 16 years before that. Also who

Soon the post will get a basic game creation book, and they’ll move on to bigger and better rip off games. Look out final fantasy fans, someone might insert the whole gamut of people running for president into your favorite ff games.