
It’s like she started human, but radiation took care of that little problem.

Okay people. Here’s what I want to see. Someone make a Macho Man Randy Savage, coupled with a fred savage. :P

Hah, hopefully dumbass gets a rock. Upside his damn head.

Baby it’s cold outside. Say what’s in this drink?

That was great. I would totally add...

I saw the name, and the boss mech suit and I didn’t think diva, I thought davinci. Love the way overwatch is shaping up. I’m just bummed because I’m rolling with a mac and they don’t have a mac client for once.

The story of this game is just stupid as all hell. BUT! The gameplay was actually quite fun. Fultoning people was fun, and watching your horse get fultoned at the end of a mission is just funny as all hell. I just wish I could extract myself from anywhere by popping a balloon to myself. I wish I could see some guy

Well, not a waste certainly. There are some awesome games that come out on pc only. Like Broforce, or Galactic Civilizations, silly things like Super Wagon Adventures, or fun point and clicks like Kentucky Route Zero. The cool thing is that you don’t need an old school gaming pc to run a lot of fun games. Plus, my PS4

Honestly, except for the crafting and location it sounds like f3 and F:NV. That’s not a bad thing, but it sounds like more improvements could have been put in. Won’t stop me from playing it at all. I do wonder what could have been had they gone more radical on the changes.

Hah! I’d never seen that gif before today. That’s awesome!

Not gonna lie, some of these bugs are a god damn pain in the ass, like save corruption or getting stuck in the ground. As long as my favorite physics engine screwups are there, I’ll be content. Nothing is quite as hilarious as watching a corpse contort like it’s the god damned thing. Also, watching a corpse decide to

Y’know what would rock? That amusement park game where you made rollercoasters shoot into space! Execpt now you could have the coaster go right into a dinosaurs mouth. Call it the om nom nom!

Wasn’t the paleontologist from the Sega CD game in one of the movies? Like 2 or 3 if I remember right.

Oh man, I wanted this game. The movie was practically a game to begin with. I mean they had unrealistic characters, idiotic decisions, unlikable...well...everyone, and of course the most gamey thing of all, uncalled for deaths of npcs. So yeah, totally a game. I’d want to play as random security guard who changes

Some of these people seem less ugly, and more plague victim. If I saw them in the wasteland, I’d be like, oh fuck no. Seriously, they look irradiated and like leprous. Fucking hell.

I am...the Furniturator! I spring forth from the shadows and before you can say wtf? My couch-a-rang will strike you down with great vengenance! Taste my ottoman, of JUSTICE!

Not bad at all. I’m looking forward to making those awkward camera shots for my criticals. I mean who doesn’t like shooting someone in the dick from across the map? Nuclear crotch shot.

Ugh, fucking harmony gold. Thanks to them it’s been import after import for me, sigh.

The disingenious nature of politics always disgusts me. If you have a problem with someone, address it directly instead of playing a game of “who is today’s villian”. Plus all the old, white, men trying to regulate women’s bodies and behaviors would enrage me to the point of an old fashioned Preston Brooks style

It’s nice to see the inclusion of gender identity. As a transwoman, any support or recognition we receive is nice.