Anastasia D. Beaverhausen

I love that he basically said he's going to overthrow everyone in charge and he's welcomed in while lesser threats get their throats slashed.

Awesome 😸

As a woman, I totally agree with what you are saying, not that you need my seal of approval. I think Lagertha's character is pretty uneven. But I guess if Ragnar can slit the throats of his own countrymen, no matter that they were greedy and whiney, as revenge for the English doing essentially the same (I can kill my…

And I think the way Aslaug looks-all reptilian-is a convenient way to convey through makeup what the writers haven't been able to manage through the script-that she is evil and deserves to be overthrown. Although I like Lagertha, I don't see the justification in this action when all along she has been downright decent…

They better start fleshing out the sons really fast because none of them can captivate like Ragnar. And while yes he is hella pretty to look at, his character just sucks you in. Lagertha, Rollo and Floki can't keep the show running on their own with what they have to work with.

Well she's had 30 years to get it right, lol!

But unless you were truly dead inside they know that with her died any hope of ever having a real mom. That's never really cause for celebration. My husband had a shitty father and when he died there was no celebration. In fact he still has his ashes. And she did suffer from mental illness. Of course that doesn't…

I did not but that's a great observation.

Unless it's another dropped storyline, I think they will get the Alibi back with a little blackmail or southside fuckery

God I loved me some Twin Peaks. What is taking them so long to get the reboot on air?!

Which totally makes sense since he's Frank 2.0. Nobody took care of him like Debbie.

I've only seen Chloe Webb in two roles and she's played the SAME EXACT role in both. Check out her performance in Sid and Nancy. Not much of a stretch.

I was an irrational nut when I had a newborn. And I was in a stable relationship and housing situation with steady income. I think people are capable of some pretty outlandish shit when their bodies are coursing with hormones and their backs are against the wall.

Have you a heart of stone?!!!

I felt zero sympathy for Monica too. But i think we were supposed to feel it more for Frank and Deb.

Trevor needs to go. I absolutely hate him.

Me toooo! He is an uncomplicated delight. I did find it unbelievable that the gays would be offering up $500 to give him a handjob, but none of them was getting a swallow of that beer flowing from his hot pants bulge.

I think you are asking a lot from two characters from such fucked up parents. I really felt that the emotions were believable. I kind of hate Ian's character since Mickey left, but I think it's understandable that the medication has dulled him down and also made him much more grounded. Mickey's coming back rushed all…

Anybody else notice the parallels between Mickey/Ian and Mickey/PeeWee Herman?

It's amazing how such a despicable character can do a 180 and make you feel his pain. As glad as I am to see Chloe Webb gone, you really do understand through his expressive acting how her toxic character sucked him right in and kept him right until the end.