
Lmfao it was a fucking question bitchboy, go fuck your sister ya little bitch! It was probably your fucking fault because you were driving too fucking fast and you can’t pay afuckingttention to a turn signal... You sir are a Cunt!

^^^^the real idiot of MN

Millenials... be careful not to upset them, they might have to find their safe room and hug a fucking teddy bear...

Wow.. zipper merge? Lmfao! Who are you? Fucking idiot

Ran you off the road?.. How? We’re you merging on the freeway and expected him to slow down or get over?

Truckers are ass holes around you because you drive like a bitch. I’m guessing.. lol!

Give up driving ya assfuck... if you can’t navigate a fucking car you really need to stop fucking driving. Lmfao!

You need to stfu and stop whining about everyone else, just because you drive like a fucking pregnant chick thats on a rush to go get peanut butter covered pickles from your local store (which a fucking truck delivered) doesn’t mean all truckers are dicks. Pull up your big girl panties and quit fucking complaining!