
this was about determining how good the victims were at being victims, and these victims were not even close to good enough.

You make me want to stop supporting Hillary (I won’t, but still)

Talk more about why Hillary is the better candidate, and less about how much you don’t like Bernie’s supporters.

I’ll start. Bernie is not a pragmatist when it comes to economic issues. The republicans will have no trouble blcoking his efforts while also

I just want you to know that I like this argument so much that I am stealing it.

Yeah, we’re on the same page. I have a tendency to be super literal, and when I saw “discussions are 50/50" I read that as “if I offend someone I am literally 50% responsible for that.”

I think this is a better social norm than the other, but it still feels weird to me.

I assume your criticism is prescriptive, though, right? I mean, you aren’t just saying this kind of thing for fun. It is reasonable to assume that you would like to see writers doing less of this sort of thing, hence the criticism.

There is a pretty obvious failure mode when we always hold a speaker accountable for another person’s pain. This provides listeners with an incentive to be easily hurt, or at least pretend to be. By claiming to be unsafe, offended, or hurt, a person has the power to shut down speech and immediately discredit the

If you actually read Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter you’d notice that not only does the book take the time to incorporate actual things that happened in Abe Lincoln’s life into the story as well as some fictitious elements, but that what actually happened takes precedence.

If you think appropriating and marginalizing the beliefs of a people whom England played a role in almost wiping out isn’t something to be offended by, you really, really need to do some self-reflection.

The thing I hate about accusations of using “coded language” is that it makes it damn near impossible for any person defending any set of beliefs to get any point across without being accused of holding a different set of views that are generally seen as negative.
This isn’t just a thing that happens here on Jez. The

Because I think activists are eroding due process, and I think that’s bad. I also think that presumption of innocence is a good thing, even outside off a court of law, just as I think “free speech” is about more than just the first amendment.

I think worrying about false accusations is fundamentally different than worrying about eroding due-process. I don’t worry at all about the former, but the latter is troublesome.

...totally unreasonable thing to focus on...

It’s almost like... they don’t actually give a flying fuck about the crime of rape.

ghetto’s older than Nazi germany. Here ya’ go. Read up from, and notice how even they differenctiate between the correct use of the term (segregated neighborhood) and it’s slang use (depicting black culture). Bernie used it correctly.

Aren’t all political arguments just two people arguing with each other about who knows better?

I mean, unless people around here are mostly ideological pluralists (I find this unlikely) people are supposed to question each other’s rationale. What’s the alternative?

I look forward to BernieBros explanation of why the moms of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis just don’t understand what is in their own best interest, and just unaware of how wrong their opinions are

No, I’m implying that the word ghetto is less narrowly defined than you think it is. Ghetto’s have historical importance to many communities, which is why some people have gotten upset over its use as an adjective. There exist ghettos, and it’s best that we talk about them.

But Ghettos are actually a thing, and have been for some time. Ask a Jewish person like.... Bernie Sanders.

He’ll just tell himself: “I made that bitch famous.”