
“But what about my dating options!”

You are telling women we have to be nice and polite if we want to get the message out that we are equal to men.

Normally when talking with people, I want to hear what they think. That’s how this works. You wrote stuff, and I listened to what you wrote and responded. I write stuff, and you reply with a mixture of rage, snark, and sneering. What is the point of that? Would you do that in person? Why are you even here? Is it fun?

I think the comment I responded to was about the sexism of white men toward women artists. Men are kind of an essential ingriedient to this sexism, right?

I think it has the potential to be interesting, especially for those who want to form an accurate model for how sexism like this really works.

It’s definitely anecdotal and not meant to be taken any other way.

This is true, but I think it is also worth mentioning that the biggest Bjork fans I know are all white men... in fact, the only woman I know well who really digs her (enough to listen to her somewhat regularly) is the woman I married. This in no way challenges your point, I just find it kind of odd.

In winter, I go with verspertine if it’s cold out, and especially if there is snow on the ground. Not her most daring, but those songs are just beautiful and timeless.

I think Post is her overall best album, though, and if I could only have one, that would be it.

No. It’s not at all bad to feel sorry for Zoe, here. That makes you a caring person who prioritizes the well-being of a real person over an adherence to rigid ideology.

This entire comment thread and article is a case study in categorical thinking. It’s lazy. It’s the type of thing I’d expect to see from the far right.

and yet I’m sure there are plenty of sexual harassers and assaults walking the halls at Mizzou without a care in the world.

I’m no Bernie Supporter. As much as it pains me to say this, Hillary is likely the best candidate running in all parties for many reasons- not just electability.

Religion is the ABSOLUTE cause of every evil and suffering on earth.

People feel reluctant to admit any sort of grey area because they’re worried their adversaries are going to perceive it as weakness and run with it, so they default to a sort of Manichean mindset.

I am disengaging because I have the feeling you’re being willfully obtuse

Props for correcting yourself on here.

It’s worth mentioning that student codes of conduct are constantly being challenged in the courts by groups such as FIRE, forcing most State-run institutions to respect the 1-A or else. If you’re in your 30's like me, things have changed since we were in school.

So you met a libertarian once and he was stupid? Awesome.

Let me make this easier. Definitions like “libertarianism” serve to make conversations better. They shouldn’t be shaped into cudgels to pound away at opponents, and that’s exactly what you’re doing here. It’s silly. Check this out:

A libertarian with “just let people be as long as they’re not hurting anyone” social views, a less interventionist military, and a belief in the welfare state is, well, just a liberal.

There are a couple of different ways they can go off the rails:

or they concede the point there needs to be some government

Smugly hating the world and other people when he’s had every systemic advantage thrust upon him.