
I’m a little surprised that the fact that he allegedly stabbed someone hasn’t made his story essentially unviable from a PR perspective.

I mean, the guy is kinda right. You just linked to Baphomet, which has nothing to do with GG. I mean, if you had bothered to read through it, you’d see that one guy there criticizes them for endangering people is accused of being a “GG fag.” They even discuss how funny it is that people like you keep blaming GG.

It moves jobs to places that have comparative advantages.

Free trade balances global scales. If you’re living in a country with high standards of livings, the only thing free trade can do is bring you down.

I don’t watch much TV, and I generally don’t like watching movies either- but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to form an intelligent opiion on diversity on Hollywood and award shows like the Oscars.

That depends. How many SJ hashtags did you use last year? If you aren’t a twitter user, perhaps you could find a “free mumia” t-shirt?

Alternate theory:

I don’t understand why people are being SJW dicks...

I’m guessing they were reasonably fearful, as they went to the police. So, it’s all totes fine because he didn’t realize he was harassing them? That’s FUCKED.

You are right that it isn’t a straw man argument, because unlike a strawman, there are real people arguing against the agency of women. Even a sheltered man will encounter these arguments if he’s paying attention.

They’re pretty much two sides of the same coin.

The vast majority of those calling for criminal negligence charges won’t be specific about who it is that should be charged. This is what happens when people think to much using abstractions like social constructs. These abstractions work great for modeling complex phenomenon such as institutional racism, but when it

What culture isn’t prone to fanaticism of some type?

What’s the goal of a protest like this? End hate? End crappy graffiti? We’ll end hunger, war, and likely death before we end hate and crappy graffiti.

Have you ever used the bathroom in a gas station? If a poor drawing of a swatika is newsworthy, Americans would hear about little else.

Is this just trolling now?

You are bad at thinking.

#NotAllMen’ing doesn’t help a fucking thing.

I’m more interested in a conversation where we make sure that cops don’t beat kids for relatively minor things.

If you aren’t interested then you don’t have to engage in the conversation.