
No we don’t. Steps are already in place. Ask the pros.

You say “if” a lot.

No. I cannot imagine a black woman’s life wherein her life circumstances are such that they are actually only applicable to any black person rather than individuals of other races.

This is not true and is the kind of “certainty” that leads people to limit themselves which I think is shitty. As a black woman, the person whose shared life experiences were closest to mine was Latino and didn’t look like me at all.

“Assuming that all people of a certain skin tone are going to relate to you...”

“... I meant exclusionary preferences; like “I refuse to date black people, I will only date white people”

If you refuse to date all black women, some part of you must believe them inferior or else you would get to know something about them personally before making a judgment call.

If your “type” is your race alone... you’re a racist. By definition.

Also relevant:

Exploring the lives of characters is what movies tend to do, see?

Why do you assume the Americas would still be in the Stone Age today, if not for Columbus?

You forgot the sarc tag.

I’m curious why you would choose those things to pick out and criticize when most of what she said was pretty powerful and good and important.

They simply served up current vintages of the same wines served during the historic (if your a wine snob, anyway) 1978 tasting. No actors were involved, but the wine was amazing.

You misread, it wasn’t a performance

It’s a wine tour. Do you really think that’s something people tend to behave calmly and quietly while enjoying?

Thanks for this, I was wondering yesterday why it’s almost always a “lonely white male in his 20’s”.

Don’t sweat it. The rage isn’t real, it seems to be all about signalling, and this is especially true here at jezebel. “YOUR SO FUCKING STUPID,” should be read as “Hey everyone, I just want to make it crystal clear that I am totally a proponent of social justice as defined by jezebel groupthink.” Demonizing the

Here’s what gets me.

As a libertarian, I just love how feminists turn into raging libertarians when it comes to procreation rights. I disagree with you completely, but you just gave birth to a lovely shitstorm.