If you stripped the microwave down to its component parts and used them to turn the housing of your oven into a working microwave, that would in fact be pretty cool.
If you stripped the microwave down to its component parts and used them to turn the housing of your oven into a working microwave, that would in fact be pretty cool.
Exactly this. It looked dodgy to me too, but when you are messing around with electronics kits you are going to make lots of dodgy looking things
Not sure how the free speech rights in the USA are even relevant here. Those who support free speech can condemn hate speech laws regardless of whether or not the USA restricts certain kinds of speech. Around here, comments like yours are often labelled as “derailing”
Over 100 for a blunt cut?! Because it’s hard?
I have literally NEVER heard of any of this. Feminism isn’t like some gelatinous mass of vaginas that are all hiveminded and thing the same thing. Feminism isn’t the Borg, I’m sure there are some fringe elements that believe in some out there stuff.
But Johnny Cash is a national treasure, right? Remember all the songs he wrote about shooting women? Oh, but because he’s a white country singer we look past shit like ‘Deliah’s Gone’
I think the comparison here isn’t rape v. LGBTQ issues. The comparison is “mindset of one who wishes to be sheilded from rape on GOT” vs “mindset of one who wishes to be shielded from depictions of LGBTQ issues.” Sometimes, people use the word “trigger” to describe instance of experienced trauma, and sometimes people…
But those sluts, tho, right?
Criticism from the outgroup is often the most valuable kind of criticism. Ingroup biases are almost always stronger than outgroup biases. This is why it has taken Americans so long to come to grips with the atrocities committed by Americans against black people and American Indians. This is why sport’s fans never…
YIKES. What kind of psycho would wish that upon their city, even metaphorically?
Oarsman is awesome. Have you had Evil Twin’s Nomad(er) Weisse? It is pricy, but if you like Oarsman, it’s worth getting that ET as a special treat- even if you just buy a single can to split with a loved one.
Yeah, that was my reaction.
What the hell is wrong with people today!?
I don’t really understand where you get the idea that freedom of speech is less protected in the E.U. than it is in America?
I think almost everyone here is misreading the true intentions of those who prominently display the flag.
Yeah, it’s gross. I flip the script on them though.
I could be wrong, but wouldn’t his lawyer have to make it about gender since his lawsuit rests on Title IX?
There are many myths about how and when you can sample music. You are perpetuating them. Back in the day, many hip-hip DJs sampled at will, realeased their music as their own, and no one bothered to sue. This is no longer the case. If you borrow any section of anyone else’s work, and then distribute it, you must get…
Your understanding differs from mine. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ve got it sort of backwards. Ethics deals with the systematizing of right and wrong. Morals are principles that lead to judgements of what is right or wrong, but don’t necessarily hinge on the concept of right or wrong. Ethical systems can be applied…