I havent heard one argument against transracial being “real” that couldn’t be applied to transgendered people.
I havent heard one argument against transracial being “real” that couldn’t be applied to transgendered people.
I’m not racist”? I’m not interested in allies who need their asses kissed 24/7. You don’t earn respect by simply saying that you’re not racist. That’s now how it works.
“Do you want a cookie” is maybe the lamest stupidest jezebel meme out there. Dude isn’t asking for cookies. If you can’t understand why he feels a need to state “I’m not a racist” on this site of all places, then you have serious problem with reading comprehension and communication in general.
Yeah, and as a person who loves to read about bees, I’m kind of annoyed that the mustachioed male bee in the graphic has a huge stinger. Drones don’t have stingers, damnit!
Yeah, this is well put. I’ve seen TERF’s argue these points, and almost every time they, will accuse trans women of “derailing” the feminist agenda, by stealing the spotlight from “more important issues.” Why do TERF bloggers spend so much time writing about an issue that they claim is not important?
Jesus, dude. You’re not very smart. Let’s try this:
Reading comprehension, get some.
Congrats on being against rape.
If rape means what Emma chooses it to mean, is that meaning projected onto me, as an observer?
okay... her desires ARE semi unclear to me. what if i wanted to watch it to try and understand those desires? is it still considered without her consent? i do not get art at all. sorry if i’m a bother by asking!
I think the artists point is to make you admit why you think it sucks.
So I’m a non-status flyer. I’m also thrifty and I used to be somewhat poor, but not so poor that I didn’t save what money I could to travel. I simply love flying places.
But no one here made the argument that our government and military should be taken lightly. Vince Vaughn said nothing to that effect either. I’m not defending anyone who would say such a thing.
Wrong. It’s just a question of determination
Yeah, but a revolution within a military often comes after the country is already at war internally.
I never said they “would” do anything.
Yeah, killing dissidents is so easy, we’ll finish killing all the bad guys in Afghanistan any day now, right? It’s super easy with robots, and stuff. I mean, they don’t really have anything but AK47s, rocks and a few IEDs. We can just sit back in our seats, yeah?
You realize there are governments fighting their people right now, right?
“ok buddy”