
When people say things like this, I wonder if they realize that our armed forces have nuclear bombs and anti tank missles and drones and your semi automatic weapon will be vaporized just like the rest of you.

Nonserviam, a bunch of guys are all saying the same thing, which is that getting a boner is partly beyond our control. This includes suppressing said boner. For me, anyways, the thought of “OMG I gotta get rid of this boner!!!” does nothing, and possibly makes things worse if I get nervous about it.

You’re essentially arguing that you should be able to tell your neighbor’s children what to do because pointing out that you aren’t their father is an “ad hominem attack.” Or that saying John Cusack can’t serve as an attorney is an “ad hominem attack.”

You are entirely too concerned with group membership. Whether or not Dawkins can accurately “gauge the impact” is entirely beside the point. You have just constructed an elaborate ad hominem.


I just asked the exact same thing. I figured they’d get him on banking laws. I’m interested to hear from someone who knows what’s up.

Any lawyers here?

Umm, yeah, these are MY criticisms. That’s how the world works. Ideas exist in the minds of individual people, and they are shared when we voice them. If you wish to dismiss my criticism due to the fact that I’m a dude, well, that’s a crappy reason, but that’s up to you.

I don’t expect “lockstep.”

Anytime a man says, “wait, what exactly is feminism about?” we get a similar answer, which is “equality for women.” That’s something I’m willing to fight for. The trouble is that in practice, some feminists will advance other goals that have nothing to do with equality for women. Jezebel isn’t even that radical of a

I think being hit on in an elevator and having rad-fems shame people for making certain choices are pretty close to equivalent. There’s no surefire way to measure this, but they aren’t as far apart as your making it out to be.

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that from a practical standpoint, it makes little sense for those who self-identify as feminists to argue over things like “does wearing a thong make me a good feminist?” when there are way way way more important issues that all feminists can agree to work together on. In

You can apply this logic to any major political movement, philosophy or religion, so if you’re arguing that you can’t believe in “relativity” before someone’s really made the definitive argument on what “it” is, then the only way to be logically consistent is if you you have zero beliefs, convictions or political

Yeah, but the debate over choice is super important, no?

Your original comment claimed that you wanted more information about a movement. Now you’re saying information isn’t enough, you gotta have a firm decision about which feminism is the “right” feminism. Maybe you need to sit down and think about what you want first.

Why does he care what women are “good” feminists? How will knowing that benefit him or women? It’s just derailing.

I don’t think ]google can settle the debate over whether or not “choice feminism” is the right kind of feminism.

Ok, but most people want to know more about a movement before they become an ally, and frankly, who can blame them?

i think that question in itself is a dead end and a huge distraction

This has to be about more than just country music. I grew up in the 90’s, and the alternative rock at the time was pretty much the same way. I have a hard time listening to today’s alternative stations, but when I do, I still hear mostly all-male bands. Rap stations here in DC are also dominated by male artists.