
I’m not a lawyer, but I am a person who enjoys reading about applied statistics.

Because the early Beatles were really changing the genre of rock n roll

Yeah. Miley’s song about her pet Blow fish, “PaBlow” is better than this.

Yeah, I’m down. Good luck with the radfems, though.

Go away.

I totally agree with you, but I imagine that from a certain feminist lens, problems arise once sex is involved. Many people are not OK with employers having sex with employees due to the power dynamic, so what happens when a marriage is reduced to a paid occupation?

Forget about what poiticians do, and instead think about what they say. This sounds backwards, but conservitive politicians aren’t good representatives of conservatives, rather, what they say is a good representation of what conservatives think. This is why an ivy league biology major named Bobby Jindal, will act like

Are you Andrew Sullivan

Oeffoff is wrong because Oeffoff seems to have no idea what it is that the anti-choice side is actual saying. Oeffoff isn’t listening to them because she is too busy firing off “war on women” rhetoric which is really just a rallying cry meant to signal her political stances. It is a comment meant to get likes and

Ha! I’m not progressive. I also don’t have a fragile disposition.

Gay marriage matters because it affects men. Rich white ones. If a rich white man determines that one of his women needs an abortion he’ll get her one. But the very idea that she should make that determination herself without his knowledge and permission is TERRIFYING!!!

just that the percentage is so minuscule that if you’re betting money on whether an accusation is legitimate or not, you’re a fucking moron

I’m starting to think this piece was written by a random feminist-buzz-word generator.

There’s a time in many young men’s lives when we start reading philosophy. Perhaps we read about the Motte and Bailey fallacy. Or perhaps we read about Assimov’s “degrees of wrongness.” Anyway, young men in particular can get infatuated with ideas like this, to the point that they will apply these idea to every

But how do you indirectly show that a specific behavior existed in paleolithic cultures?

I disagree.

Why do you think it is that Evo Psych theories can’t be tested? Do you believe Psychology itself can’t create testable theories?

Well, why wouldn’t sexual selection be meaningful in regard to relationships between men and women (in the aggregate of course)?

I can totally understand being annoyed with male evo-psych theorists, whose theories just happen to justify shitty male behavior, but denying the fact that humans are animals with real instincts is pretty silly. We really aren’t all that different from chimps, you know.

Hi, Megan Murphy.