You wouldn't spend 100s of dollars on a theater ticket and show up in whatever happened to be at the bottom of ht hamper, would you?
I am having a hard time picturing how this law changes the status quo as well. The best I can come up with is this- "I didn't know she didn't want sex," is no longer a defense that can be used by the accused, and I suppose I don't really have a problem with that.
Iggy's booty feeds on controversy. You gotta stop writing about her. Stop feeding the booty before it's too late.
And police are supposed to uphold the law equally for all citizens- but that isn't really the way it works, now is it?
I've answered this, but for some reason, those comments are still in the greys.
I think to some people it's not about "having the right". It's just about "who is going to stop me?".
Sure. But I still hope it's a woman.
I know. I just want him to be at the mercy of a woman, rather than the reverse. That'll give him something to ponder while he's locked up.
There's a reason sentencing has flexibility built in.
I like the fact that he would be powerless standing in front of a more powerful woman. Let society turn the tables on this asshole.
I hope he appears before a woman judge, and I hope she uses her power to makes an example of him.
"Learning about something doesn't require being able to relate it to your own experiences."
I'd rather just talk to people- people who aren't so invested in Critical Race Theory that they can just have a normal conversation about hair, clothing, music, or whatever without preemptively telling Jewish or plain old white people to shut the hell up.
You just kind of proved my point.
I just assumed "fro" would be derived from "afro" which is derived from "Africa."
Why is it wrong for any person with unusual hair to share their experiences about it? I don't want to hear from people whose experiences are the same as mine, I want to hear from people whose experiences are different. Teach me about black hair. Teach me about Jewish hair. Teach me about red hair. Teach me about…
No one is harmed when a Jewish person mentions that they have a fro, either. It's equally weird to be offended at that.
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