
The author was attempting to preempt that "oh hey I know exactly what it's like to be black because I have curly hair even though I'm white" by telling you to knock it off before you even started. You have all the privileges of whiteness. Stop trying to have the privileges of whiteness but act like you have the

Ethnic Jews are people of color. Anyone saying otherwise is just trying to derail you.

Nothing's wrong with Bon Morte, and don't you even start to think that your in his/her league, because your trolling is pathetic and tiresome.

Umm, the kid didn't choose to be a celebrity.

This comment is performance art right?

It was just a joke, dude, chill.

I have the exact same problem. I'm ginger, but I kiteboard/surf all the time, and anything not covered by boardshorts and a rash guard is now one giant freckle. The rest of me is pretty much see-through.

On the flip side, that argument is never used when discussing American prison populations and how 37% of the jails and prisons are filled with blacks even though they only make up 12% of the population. Oh no, people are just fine with that lopsided ratio.

1. I haven't had a TV in years 2. No. 3. No. 4. Don't care 5. Fuck no. 6. Yes, only because I actually know who Beyonce is and what she looks like.

Fuck off, Captain Obvious.

Fajitas are Texan.

Internet porn?

"If people agree with terrible ideas, they themselves are terrible."

Missy's awesome. I know she was a pretty big name, but I still think she was way under-rated.

You ever see that South Park episode, where Kanye is really pissed off because he doesn't get the Fish Sticks joke? You know, the one where he's being a total idiot but can't come to grips with it because he thinks he's a genius? That's you right now.

What in the world are guys seeing when you watch this video? The song is wretched, but the video is tame.

You can't personalize every facet of pop culture.

I was solidly in the pro-mike brown camp. I've been a police skeptic for pretty much forever. But I'm no longer sure- the more hard evidence I see, the more that the cops story is starting to sound plausible, and the more the initial witness reports to the media start to fall apart.

If humans have evolved to be mostly monogamous, then it would make sense for women to evolve some kind of strategy to decouple themselves from men who are impotent.