
I love evolutionary game theory, and I especially love game theory that pits the sexes of a same species against one-another. That is a fascinating study.

The police have acted with such impotence, it's no wonder that most commenters fail to see the logic behind posting that robbery footage.

It's also not like a lengthy investigation of the robbery was really necessary. Odds are, Johnson or Brown had the smokes in a pocket during or after the altercation. With Johnson in custody, and the owner of the convenience store's testimony, a positive identity should be easy, right? To me, it looks like the

Everything you wrote there sounds good to me. But then later, you (and so many others) try to push the narrative that the cops are lying about the convenience store robbery. Given the fact that it looks just like him, and Dorian's lawyer said this:

I understand the outrage, but outrage makes people jump to conclusions.

the military has drones! They have tanks! They have missiles and bombs and more money than God.

I don't know. Historically it's been very hard for governments to abuse an armed citizenry. Our military has a hard enough time dealing with armed civilians in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and vietnam. Imagine being in charge of a military force asked to occupy LA. It couldn't be done without destroying the

Big ups to your bf. As a male in our society it takes more guts to walk away than to fight back and protect "his property".

It's a shitty system all around. If you think that men are assholes for not getting involved, though, you're wrong. The men who do not get involved know that violent criminals see them as expendable.

My wife has been cat-called in front of me. My normal response is a quiet and disrespectful smirk- but guys have crossed the line, and I've let them know I think they are pathetic. I've also aggressively come to the defense of women I didn't know- mostly in the hopes of scaring the cat-caller.

Exactly. Don't feed the Trolls. This includes cat-calling trolls.

This article, being on a feminist blog, is more about cat-calling and less about the commendable man who stood up to a group of cat-callers. That's OK. Maybe that man's actions are important to you, maybe you should write your own article about him,. This is a bog meant to discuss women's issues from the

Ovdanyakad, I understand the point you are trying to make, but I don't think it is relevant to the situation at hand.

If gang rape is something people do when they are young, drunk, and stupid, then I am all in favor of making an example of these boys.

She didn't say any of that bullshit. You did.

Also, she's 16. You couldn't pay me to be 16 again.

Did you miss the part where it says "she's 16"? What were YOU doing at 16?

Yes. You have a right to be butthurt. Enjoy it I guess. I'm gonna go listen to Led Zeppelin appropriate Lead Belly now.

Actually, you kind of DO have to accept it. I'm pretty sure your whining won't get Katy's videos off the TV and internet. The truth is, you are on the silly and losing side of this debate. No one cares that some people get offended, because people see these offended people as being unreasonable. People will ignore

You put this so well. Kara thinks Katy can't wrap her head around appropriation, but the truth is, Kara can't wrap her head around your counter-argument.