TheLetter Q (AnarchicQ)

Or Tenzin from Avatar: The Legend of Korra.

The whole final season is terrible. Alvarez acting totally out of character, O'Rilley getting his dick wet instead of being there for his brother, the botched way they resolved Beecher/Keller…
Edit: The way the entire season became a commercial for the media tie-in book.

Personally I don't think any of the Raimi Spider-Man aged well. They all come across as super cheesy to me. But whenever Spider-Man 3 is on I'll the birth of Sandman because I think that scene is amazing. Then I'll go and do something else.

It amused me. Way to troll the fans.

That funky 70's background mixed with the subtly out of focus effect on the footage is seriously making this impossible to watch. Can someone summarize, please?

For some reason, Fatboy Slim's song Praise You makes me physically nauseous.
Also, the opening to the remake of Dawn of the Dead. I never got past the opening.

Didn't she miscarry when she did surgery at gunpoint, too?

It's good to see the worms from The Strain finding work.

Maybe he'll show up to Grey + Sloan next season as a brilliant pediatric dental surgeon fixing cleft pallets everywhere because now, thanks to RIggs, he has something to prove.

For what it's worth, I agree with you. This was my problem with Penny. How could she NOT know Derek was married to Meredith Grey? How was that dinner party such a surprise? Did she never google the place where she was going to work? Did Calli never discuss the amazing research she and Derek did together?

Both Maggie and Jackson have this weird lisp thing with their tongue and teeth so imagining them kissing is gross to me.

Yeah, his behavior was bordering on that whole "He can't stop pushing because he wants her so bad he can't help it and also he knows what is best for her."

I *think* it was a hedgehog.

So, between the two of them, Meredith and Amelia have been to like 20 funerals, at least, right? What was up with that "We are alien wat is hooman grieving process?! blorp blorp" scene?

I was totally on board for Mer/Riggs when he showed up because he was an enemy of Hunt. So Mer would have to struggle through not only losing Derek and moving on, but her wants versus her loyalty to Hunt.

Mer outright said to Alex it was a good bang.

Because I was so bored I had to make up a better story, I guess. I'm not unsympathetic, I lost my father to cancer. But Maggie's stubbornness and her mother's cowtowing to her demands just made it seem like it was too much ambition and not enough heart.

I'm a horrible person but my personal headcanon was that Maggie was secretly using her mother to be a lab rat for some trial to help advance her career. Then she got in over her head and that nagging sympathy got the better of her.

Alex was there for like 2 minutes in the opening.