TheLetter Q (AnarchicQ)

I choose to believe this.

Spoilers for an over 20 year old book!

"The CoS isn't some big scary organization that kills people like the mob."

"Your sad devotion to that *ancient* religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes"

Most visually stunning episode yet?
The only thing I can think of that compares is Legends of the Lasat, which wasn't that great but for some reason stuck with me.

Ahh, thanks.

I know. That made me happy. I liked the books, but the…let's call them "writing quirks" were more and more evident as the trilogy went on. But I've ranted about that before.

Rukh is the name of Thrawn's body guard in the EU novels.

I very much enjoyed this episode.
I liked the little easter egg of Thrawn's code word for his assassin droids being "Rukh".

Is it me, or was Ezra flirting with Tristan?

Toby: *Upends Kate's plans*
Kate: *Reprimands!*
Toby: *Guilt trips* Hey I'm having chest problems! By the way here's the engagement ring I got you! UUGH!
Kate: I was kind of a jerk.
Toby: Yeah you were!

Evil Twin.
From the future.
And that evil Twin's name….was Peter Petrelli!

Pff that's like saying Jubilee and Dazzler are the same character, or Copycat and Mystique, or Sunspot and Sunfire and Human Torch.

I'm casually thinking Sugar Man. Dunno why.

And that child's name ….was Peter Patrelli.

Reminded me of Grey's Anatomy's "Church and State" thing between Bailey and her husband. I guess witty codephrases are a thing now.

Gotcha. Thanks.

Didn't Sabine lose her jet-pack in the same episode where she got her jet-pack?

I was told the whole CGI character movie dance party thing had an actual purpose.
It's to make sure the movements and animation and anatomy all looks good or flows well, or whatever.