TheLetter Q (AnarchicQ)

Made me miss Community.

I must have missed that, I only know her from this and Community. She was in Mad Men, right? I've never watched that.

And maybe they didn't want to reference the other show Aaron Paul was on?

Even with a biotech maggot thing that cop dude just wasn't intimidating with his man-bun.

"My sexuality is the least interesting thing about me." - Cosima.
Really? The show doesn't seem to think so.

If it was Duko, it could explain why he didn't kill Cosima, since Delphine said "Promise me she'll be safe." or something along those lines right before she was shot.

That was some horror movie level facial expression and hand contortion right there!

I hope they're not together. That flashback episode showed they were too fundamentally different from the start and basically began bickering 10 minutes after they ran out on April's wedding. And April almost never budged on anything while Jackson was pretty much beaten down on or for his views of beliefs.

Oh god me too.

What made it better/worse is that Felix said Sarah had an asshole face or something a few scenes before that.

Don't use promotional tv spots to prop up your arguments. A few weeks ago there was a promo that made it seem like McCreepy raped Mer. Turns out it was just really good sex, which freaked Mer out.

Requisite "As a leg amputee…" intro.

Take the url, remove the 'ube' from 'Youtube". Maaagic.

Eh, fair enough I guess. I forgot about the car until now.

I know but there's no Beth-Maggie connection. Maggie, who just happened to work with/be a Prolethean/Dyad/Double-agent just happened to be there and happened to be shot. It could have been random Prolethean #5.

Good episode over all, but I was disappointed that Maggie Chen getting shot was a genuine accident. I assumed that Beth had been tracking Chen's involvement with the Prolethians or Dyad or something. Then the guilt and stress over that, over possibly learning Paul was her monitor, or the fact she was a clone, drove

Ghost in Her Shell?

I have a question.
I keep recommending this series to people but they refuse to watch it because they're certain OJ did it and are also certain he'd get money from this show so they refuse to watch.


I read that as "Mullet Making 101".