TheLetter Q (AnarchicQ)

I actually want Meredith/Riggs. I think Mer having to navigate "love" vs loyalty to her old friend and sister-in-law would be way more interesting than what we have now.

When Arizona blamed Karev for Arizona spilling the beans to Jackson I was officially done with her character.
Lady, you broke confidentiality laws! Screw you!

Aw, I like Zeb.

No, no, no, Ezra is Rey's father!

It really didn't.
However, it did use silence to great effect.

It makes sense. I watched subbed anime over dubbed anime and when I get dubbed anime it just sounds wrong.
Early Homer Simpson sounds different than current Homer Simpson, and it sounds wrong.

You hate Timon from The Lion King?

"If only the dinosaurs knew to look up."

That one dude was holding that handgun really weird. Did anyone else notice that?

I just watched the promo on Youtube. Major Creeper looks genuinely confused so Meredith probably had a Derek related freakout.

You and me both.

Jacob's Ladder is one of my all time personal favourite movies.
My moment is near the end. Louie fixes Jacob's Back and gives him the speech about angels and devils and you think it's basically all over.

It's no longer a game when you feel the gameplay is interrupting the episode you're watching.

Not a huge fan of Chopper but occasionally he gets a smirk out of me.
I skimmed the review before watching the episode but I was pleasantly surprised. I liked it. I liked the interaction between Chopper and AP-5 and I like that now we have the subverted R2/C3PO duo. I hope AP-5 sticks around.

True story:
Once I had a dream that thanks to X-Men Days of Future Past, Deadpool kept going through time and met alternate Deadpools (Deadpool? Deadpooli? Deadpoolae?). There were like 5 Deadpools in the Blackbird.This was a scene in some dream X-Men movie. Thanks, subconscious.

But apparently it's an actual real world surgery so now I feel bad. I suck at camaraderie.

Foot fetishists rejoice!

As a leg amputee, can I just say the patient ended up looking ridiculous?

Really? But wasn't there a dust up about how the cast wanted Rick to say "They're fucking with the wrong people" at Terminus but AMC all "nope!"?

Can someone point out exactly where the baby was in that ultrasound? All I saw was a plague doctor mask.