TheLetter Q (AnarchicQ)

Yeah, probably not. But there are some DWD Vinylmation figures.

The comics were pretty good too. Especially the first 2 arcs.

I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

Grey's has never made me cry, but the shooting was when I started regularly watching it. My personal favourite story line was Yang's PTSD. I thought that was amazingly well written and acted.

Eh, I thought they did the musical episode better than House MD did, but generally I dislike jukebox musicals.

And there were two of them, why didn't one take the truck while the other lead in the car? Why "come back for the car"? Other than the plot demanded it.
That's just stupid.

Leg amputee here. Prosthetic legs can actually look quite realistic if you have the cash-money for it. We're not all Terry Fox.

I have serious problems with the introduction of Penny to the point where every time she's on screen I just get annoyed at her stupid face. But maybe they're my problems and I'm probably overthinking it.

" I thought it was ridiculous to have another freak tragic thing happen
to Meredith and to make her suffer once again, they could have achieved
the same thing with another character."

It does. Even if it's hate-reviewed.
I say this as a regular watcher of the show but man did I have problems with the last few seasons.

Yeah, I saw that too and found it really weird. I was like "Where are you going, show? Stop going in that direction, show…."

Going back to Grey's Anatomy, the friendship between Karev and Grey has become pretty great, actually.

It's a nickname. Her surname is Doggett.

The Force. *Shrug*

This was actually the first episode that made me think "This is a kid's show."

I mean, his jaw seemed wired shut so he had to emote somehow I guess.

Or a psyclo impersonating a man-animal.

I didn't pay that much attention, honestly. I just was so bored it went in one ear and out the other.
I liked Shrek 4 though, but I'm a sucker for "what if the bad guy won?" plots.

Shrek 3 is worse because at least with Shark Tale you can marvel at how bad it is. Shrek 3 is just boring. I couldn't even finish it.

I didn't like King Fu Panda, I found it boring, unfunny and his buddies useless.