TheLetter Q (AnarchicQ)

Leia's portrayal legitimately made me forget when exactly Rebels is supposed to take place. It felt like post-Return of the Jedi Leia to me. Or possibly Star Wars Holiday Special Leia.

Yeah, I take Ezra over Sabine any day.

My enjoyment of Parenthood was obliterated by the character of Mark. He was too-perfect, to a creepy level. I dropped the show after I realized he was going to be a reoccurring character.

I was a huge Jem fan as a kid. I had most of the dolls and I created this elaborate plot where off-brand Ken left off-brand Barbie for Jem because Jem needed off-brand Ken's car.

Bad as in Breaking?

Pssst. I'm the female of the species.

Hoisted by my own petard!

Beastie Boys' Sabotage would have been a more appropriate song than Bohemian Rhapsody. And it would have been a better matched than with Star Trek….

My favourite part of the trailer was the multi-coloured WB and DC logos.
That's a bad sign.

I liked the Muppet's use of Bohemian Rhapsody, though.


"It’s hard to reconcile, for example, Zeb playing the part of a goofy,
bitter, older brother when you realize he’s the very last of his kind."

I think he had a speaking line in Muppets Christmas Carol, too.

"I loved you What Lies Beneath. Did you do your own stunts? Was cuddling with Michelle Pfeiffer the greatest moment of your career? It was, wasn't it?"

He gave Scooter a whole inspirational speech last week.

Fair enough. I'll allow it.

I don't know, a lot of reviews I've read and listened to pointed out that the (SPOILERS) secret message Jem's dad gives Jem is all about Jem and barely mentions her sister. Yeah, it's a writing issue but in-universe wise, dad's more than kind of an ass.

I replace all his bleeps and bloops with swears in my mind.

I miss The Colony, nut that will never return.

I've taken to calling the new Inquisitors "Shark Boy and Lava Girl".