
As long as you are healthy!

Yup. I quickly became known as the thin, fashionable woman (of course fashionable and thin shouldn’t be considered the same but they often are) among family members and friends and it means I’m scared to death of no longer being that person when I gain even five pounds. I love having an ass (and so have the people

I am 5'9" and in my twenties I was between 115 and 125. Some of us are just built like that. Now I am a solid 150. Ha!

You are so wrong. Based on my personal experience:

Ugh. Yes. 115 seems to be the magic number. I’m at 120 now and I really don’t get any special benefit from being, relatively, “thin.”

In my experience—I am 5'8" and 115 all through my 20s and got a lot of compliments), it depends on both where you live (cities like Paris, LA, NYC thin is IN baby) and also on your age. I live in San Fran and visit LA often.

I’m 5'6" and I used to weigh 230 and now I weigh a little less than 140. I got asked out for the first time in my life just a little while ago (40 y.o. virgin here) and it sucks because it reinforces the whole idea of “attain perfect weight so that u pretty/desirable!” - which I hate, because I was eating very

I feel you. I have confidence that you will figure this out!

I’m naturally thin. Like...really thin. By American cultural standards, that’s a great thing, but for personal standards, it wasn’t. I worked hard to put on weight. But, again, it was for a personal reason. Whatever you choose to for your life, I hope you do so because you want to, no because you think it’s what

I haven’t done this myself, but I absolutely would have if I hadn’t been naturally slender for most of my life. Without question, I prized that, and the reactions it got. I am solidly built, muscular and heavy-boned, so at 5'2" and usually about 110, I was ideal, even a bit thin, for my body type. And very lucky in

Honey, at five-two and one-forty I was a bombshell on skates, but I didn’t know it. Now, I’m mangled and very overfat, and I look back at that time and I burn with embarrassment that I didn’t know what I had. Screw those 15 lbs! Screw them! Get yourself some nice exercise, eat some nice vegetables, do some volunteer

Former personal trainer here: I think that’s a New York thing, sweetie. Skinny ladies are more popular in NYC. It might make sense to get an appointment to have your body fat level checked. Normal for women is between, I think, 18 per cent and 23 per cent. You can get dipped in a tank, or a very senior personal

[Content warning: weight talk & numbers]

Well kind of? I am actually the flip side of this (and it is part of my whole host of mental illnesses but whatever) I try to stay ABOVE a certain size/weight so that people will leave me alone.

Im about your height and weigh 120 and when I was 115 or lower I felt way too thin/ had people say you are too skinny (even though I hate when people said that because a lot of the times, I lose weight due to insane anxiety ), and even living in a pretty shallow area *whats up LA, STILL feel that 110 would be

Years ago I had this conversation with a friend about how we felt more attractive and skinnier in our hometowns/ countries than in the larger NA city we were living in. Some zip codes are more about the skinny than others.

I have noticed a huge difference in how people treat me when I’m on the thin end of my weight range vs the high end (size 10 vs size 14). It’s fucking ridiculous. It’s too much work for me since I’m constantly cold and sick at that size and have to bust my ass working out/ eating really carefully but I can understand

Based on those measurements, I’d have people trying to force feed me. I’m almost 5'8" and I just recently got to 150 lbs after YEARS of trying. I’m also black so our culture is less into a certain look. All that to say, I wouldn’t stay at a certain weight for how others view me. I’d stay a certain way because of how

I know New York does have stricter definitions of skinny than Connecticut does.

Central Connecticut. It’s a range of ages too, older women and women my own age. It could be my cheek bones that do it, my face does look very hollow cheeked and gaunt.