
You mean your old doctor won’t take your new insurance because he won’t work for less money and you won’t fork out the extra money for the insurance he will accept. Chances are if you only had $290 in your bank account you and owned a grand prix your previous insurance was unacceptable for the original physician as

Where the hell did you find a $250/mo platinum level plan that covered 4 people? That’s what I paid for a mid-low tier plan for just myself when I left my job back in 2009-2010. $250 for a family would have been a ridiculously good deal. I had a buddy who paid over $1,000/mo to cover his family of 4 when he started


Yet ignore the stories from those of us with great coverage at an affordable rate. You’re probably the kind who likely applauded the removal of the public option, too. The part of the bill that was supposed to help lower prices and offer an affordable base plan for everyone. It wasn’t single player, but it was as

You make $125,000 a year and are having trouble paying $750 per month? Learn to manage your money a little better.

Good. Idiocracy was crap, and we’re better off without more of it. It’s not like we’re at all short on legitimate criticism to be leveled at Trump. I’m generally a Judge fan, but Idiocracy was just garbage.

Mike Judge is an Alex Jones dude, it’s not surprising that he won’t do an Anti-Trump ad if he can’t do an Anti-Hilary one too.

Fuck Mike Judge. I always thought he was a fucking right winger.

So instead of a cantina scene we’ll get a Ren Faire.

Are you really comparing comments that were in response to a woman saying something hateful about another woman to comments who were directed at a black woman simply for being black? I know you are desperate for a reason to hop up on your soap box but this is quite the stretch. Also are you comparing something like

I’ll bet it’s SO undisclosed, you could ask yourself, “How much more undisclosed could it be?” and the answer would be, “None. None more undisclosed.”

That feeling when you realize that Donnie Yen is basically playing space Zatoichi and you are 100% on board.

There's a difference in having it and it being done the right way and in a way that people will actually want to use. Your android phone is a piece of shit

Explain to them what racist bigots they are for saying and thinking that shit. Probably won’t go over well but there is literally nothing else to say to that.

Oh, come on... If this isn’t your thing, fine. But let’s not pretend the original Ghostbusters was freaking Chekhov — every gross out ecto-jizz shot, William Atherton being the butt of every dick joke Bill Murray could improv and Sigourney Weaver turning into a demon-possessed nympho was juvenile as hell. And you know

Yeah, let’s stick to the sophisticated yet subtle wit of the original, shall we.

well, Drumpf did judge Jon Leibowitz for using the name Stewart professionally. and if you have a problem with focusing on crap that doesn’t matter, maybe Drumpf shouldn’t devote debate time to discussing the size of his genitals

In general the issue is whether there was anything knowingly classified stored in an insecure manner. It’s the difference between Petraeus handing classified material to his mistress (or that idiot who shoved a bunch of classified documents down his pants to go photo copy them) and being told 3 years after the fact

You don’t like her, vote Drumpf. That simple.

She’s not going to jail. She will be your next Commander in Chief. Period.