Oh thank you. My mother, after 32 years of being a kickass mom, died two months ago very unexpectedly. Not sure I should read through this thread. Might be an ugly-cry-at-home-alone kind of night if I do.
Oh thank you. My mother, after 32 years of being a kickass mom, died two months ago very unexpectedly. Not sure I should read through this thread. Might be an ugly-cry-at-home-alone kind of night if I do.
He's not a businessman, he's a business, man. Let him handle his business, damn.
...Is it 2015? Why am I looking at a video of Ja Rule?
I probably have less of a dadbod than my wife does a mombod, in part because my work gives me more time to exercise than hers. Also I didn’t HAVE THREE KIDS.
I wouldn’t have totally been able to imagine it in my mid-20’s, but I love my wife’s mombod. And of course part of that’s not purely physical, it’s because it’s…
Fight that omnipresent male beauty industry, dadbods! Burn your bras! Take back the night!
While I am fully aware that it is societal pressure and internalized misogyny that makes me feel this way - I hate my mombod. It’s something I am ashamed of. The extra skin, the fat thighs, my stretched out disgusting tits. I hate it. When people compliment me on “getting my figure back already!!” I am aghast that…
I wish the pictures were AFTER the Outcomes. Not because of some suspense or anything like that, but because I’d love to read what the think while I stare at their faces. Maybe I am weird.
ME TOO. I loved Happy Endings.
I find it hilarious that everyone is getting outrageously butthurt over this, but when someone writes this shit about yoga pants, everyone is suddenly on board with the body shaming “NO ONE SHOULD BE WEARING THAT” wagon.
That’s what they said for Happy Endings...... :((((
Quality has not been consistent, but I love this show and I really hope Hulu picks it up. If only for the sexiness that is Danny.
I posted that KONY video to my Facebook feed. What more do you want from me?
The truth of the matter is there ARE a bunch of married people on these websites (including tinder, OKC) that are not in open/poly relationships. I know this, because many of my friends have been fooled by this bull shit and its not fun. So, it is an actual problem.
Or, maybe the author was operating under the assumption that the majority of married people are not monogamish or poly at this point in time, rather than specifically calling you a liar. Deep breaths buddy.
I’m so glad I stopped caring and trying to be in a relationship. I’ve filled that gap in my life with a crapton of books. Books will always be there for me. They will never lie to me or cheat on me. Books are our friends. Books are good. Books are magical time travel devices, full of everything missing in my life.…
I know, is sounds like she was wearing clothes that made him do it. Also, she may have had sex sometime in the past before she met this man. I can’t find anything that says if she had been drinking before the guy invited her to move a couch into his van, that’s important information.
4 years was totally an appropriate sentence for kidnapping + rape. Absolutely appropriate. Surely any rapist & kidnapper will be magically rehabilitated after such a brief sentence, and it’s a complete reassurance that he will never go do it again after you let him out. No community could possibly be in danger from a…
Cookie Lyon owns all animal prints. They just walk up to her an shed their skin for her to use, she’s so fabulous.