
Really? Because kids never molest other kids? Sorry, but they do.

THANK YOU. The only answer to this question is that it is on purpose they are leaving out the parts you mentioned because in totality it looks really fucking bad.

Pretty much. Funny how there is no mention of Lena dressing up her 5 year old sister as a Hells Angel sex toy as she posted on instragram or of 17 year old Lena masterbating herself while her sister slept nearby or of Lena grooming her sister by bribing her with candy or even of Lena outing her sister and removing her

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

You left out the part where she talks about masturbating while her sister was in the bed with her. I've not been one to say OMG SEXUAL ABUSE but clearly boundaries and tack were lacking in the Dunham household. And it's just weird for people to be like "Oh she's just quirky." If she wasn't famous and just that woman

"the exact words one expects from Deep South racists?"

"Gang banger" costumes by office workers: racist.

Um, shut up, please. Thanks.

Me, most of the time, "Ha ha ha, ghosts aren't real. Remember how when you were a kid you used to awake in the dead night to hear eerie moaning and loud banging that kept getting more persistent and didn't stop until you shouted, 'Leave me in peace, spirits'? That wasn't ghosts, girl, that was your parents having sex."

If it's in cold places I would suspect people like them to keep the SAD at bay. As a CA girl a week without the sun is enough to put me in a funk. I can't imagine trying to make it through a mid west winter! I would be living under a lamp.

Really? Mind look like this: (o)(o)


Is this the place where I can complain about not being able to find a shoe with a mid range heel?? They're either sky high stilettos that I couldn't walk in to save my life or something so low that Mary from It's A Wonderful Life would wear them in her alternate universe life where's she's a librarian spinster.

This woman is an idiot that wants 15 minutes of fame.


I had no other choice.

This is the summary from Lake:

"In the fifty years since its release, the pill has become synonymous with women's liberation and has been thought of as some sort of miracle drug," said Lake and Epstein. "But now it's making women sick and so our goal with this film is to wake women up to the unexposed side effects of

...he's decided against it due to the fact that his life right now is not particularly stable and a 9-year-old is a lot of responsibility.

Geek Love was great! It had that outlandish plot but never got overly gimmicky; it was touching and funny and her brother was SUCH a dick.

It is very common for churches in the African American community to have politics mixed in to the sermons, at least it is in the South.