
No. Wrong. They said they believed that abortion was more traumatic and violent because it results in the termination of a fetus. That was their statement. That is not a lie.

Are you purposefully mis-reading my statement? Violent as in ending the life of the fetus. Fetus. Violent to the fetus.

Thank YOU for your reply. This is the first time I’ve even mentioned the clinic on Jez because I knew doing so would bring a barrage of dissenting opinions - and I generally just comment on the light/funny articles because it’s my form of recreation.

Don't want to dox myself... Pacific Northwest (Oregon/Washington/Idaho) region.

You are really reaching. Non-violent. As in: does not result in a termination of the life of the fetus.

You are entitled to your opinion. As for the information - it is delivered orally with written information sheets given after.

I can tell you feel very strongly about this topic, and I respect that. They are transparent from the get-go about the fact that they are a faith based organization that believes there are better alternatives than abortion. That is upfront. It is on the intake forms as well as questions about your comfort or need of

We all have our viewpoints that are formed by our personal experiences. My experience (unlike yourself presumably) has been entirely positive. (There are nut jobs of course. My mom had to keep one of her volunteers just doing after hours cleaning after she interviewed her and found out that the lady believed aborted

Hm, well I can't speak for clinics in general. My mothers is in the Pacific Northwest and is non-denominational.

Ok well you have no reason to believe or disbelieve my comment. I have no reason to lie. Generally love your comments, tho! Have a great day :-)

Right, guess I wasn’t clear about that. If you have the test for pregnancy and you are pregnant they ask you what you are planning on doing about it. If you state abortion, they ask why and if there were resources to help you with your pregnancy would that change anything. If it won’t, they end the visit. If you are

Unpopular opinion: #notallcrisispregnancycenters

Right. I was specifically referring to Jews and your snark about Exodus. My bad with phrasing. The Nez Perce took slaves from their successful wars. They were also enslaved when they lost battles. As for claiming ownership of all future generations - almost all slavers have done that from the time of Hammerabi on.

What I’m saying is at various times in history Jews have owned slaves and been slaves. Leaving exodus completely out of it... Jews sold themselves into slavery for debts, and owned slaves themselves. As did the Spanish. And the Nez Perce.

I am very interested in your comment but I’m having a bit of trouble finding some of the information you talk about. I know about the 3/5 law put in place to “balance” voting districts, and about the one drop rule to prohibit interracial marriage which was only brought into place in 1910, well after emancipation...

Right, agreed and I’m not disparaging her intelligence. I believe she made radical statements to get her point across and challenge peoples assumptions. She would have been more successful (just my own opinion) if she didn’t make statements that can arguably be ruled inacurate. Twitter is not the best for getting big

I mean, color tended to be tied to region... So yeah, if the region that is being raided is in sub-Saharan Africa, the people being enslaved will all be the same color...

That's ok, I appriciate your well thought out wordiness!