
unpopular opinion: they did the same thing to Sarah Palin... Adding up how much her outfits cost and judging her by it. *ducks and runs for cover bc Im dumb enough to say something in defense of Sarah

My great grandpa (who was a total bad-ass and supported his family thru the Great Depression by riding "bucking bronco's" at rodeos) grew the most amazing cantaloupe and watermelons... It's like there's no point trying to buy them after tasting the home-grown kind...

Shared experience makes for a better grouping....

Agreed. My husband feels similarly about "black culture"... It seems silly to try to group millions of people together based on a shared language or skin color

meh. She figuratively deleted it like her rapist was figuratively Republican.

she's a dream to me, dream to me

I'm not going to technically lie... I'll say, "it's time for the countdown!" instead.

ask away! I have a 3 and 5 year old and am planning on using it. They WILLA stay up to and past midnight if we let them, and it throws their entire sleep schedule off for up to a week.... A week of grumpy children randomly bursting into tears is not how I want my new year to start!

Hey, leave my metformin out of this!!

Maybe we're both closet masochists

Logically I know that my value is in my integrity, compassion, brains, etc.... But damn if I don't want to try to join just to see how many people think I'm worthy. Sigh.

Yeah... I think it's a defense mechanism. No one wants to think their friends/family/teammates are capable of such evil.

ETA: Thank you for your work!

Oh, ok I guess I'm just used to being asked why I never pressed charges :-/

I'm always suspicious of mall santas, coaches and teachers as well. Sigh. It'd be nice to live in a world where I DONT have to assume the absolute worst about everyone.... Especially since I'm genuinely a "people person".

My molester was sent to a group home for boys who had been assaulted/assaulted others.... I hope he got help.

I love your joke!

I have this argument with my husband all the time. He's under the impression that he doesn't know anyone who has ever raped anyone, molested any child or been a victim of these acts (aside from me being a survivor of both). I keep telling him, "That's nice that you have such a rosey view of humanity, but statistically

I don't think child molesters are ever repentant. Never. It's an unforgivable offense.

I have no idea WHY but I was SO INTO THAT SHOW. I really loved it. I think I actually got a little choked up when Tanedra won because I REALLY liked her. Are there any open spots in reality tv rehab?