
Arts and crafts... Am I to assume you had one of these gems?? I miss them so much.

I am jealous! I had a Wild West themed one, because I grew up in the high desert on the West Coast (where everyone is a cowboy - even if they've never ridden a horse!) But I REALLY wanted the Playmobile space station or the city one (complete with police SWAT teams - because that seemed SO exciting!)

Playmobile was SO much fun!!! Did you ever play with Polly Pockets? When they were actually the size of compacts and could fit in a pocket? Because if so, we totally could have been BFFS!!

My kids were playing with my Grand Champions at my mothers house.... I was getting very nervous and possessive about them. Ridiculous because I am an adult, but as you pointed out, they are THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HORSES IN THE WORLD.

Ada Lovelace (female) writes first algorithm to be used on first basic computer and is considered the first "computer programmer" - now men use that technology to watch copious amounts of porn and play games.

Argh. Kinja. Edit last sentence to say: vote FOR my opponent.

Although science is not a belief system, it often perpetrates cruelty in the name of knowledge. For instance - the scientific community may have gained a lot of knowledge from the experiments nazi scientists performed by introducing various illnesses into disabled people, or the us military injecting and then not

Agree to disagree... Both about the shrewdness of the same, tired rhetorical questions; and about the inherent cruelty of religions. Do people act cruelly in the name of religion? Absolutely. Do people act cruelly in the name of science? Absolutely. Humans have been using both religion and science and whatever else

the crazy was more in reference to how seriously people took it.... And to how clever they thought they thought they were for regurgitating the same ideas and spins on it that, as you point out, people have been debating for 1,000s of years

You know what's crazy? At my Christian school we had a rhetoric class where we were forced to argue dumb things like that. (I mean, not burritos, more like "could God create a rock that He couldn't lift?" Which, I mean, if I have to debate pointless crap, I'd rather it be about burritos than rocks.) People would get

See, people are so funny in HOW we view things. I'm a Christian, the Bible believing kind who goes to church, (sometimes even twice a week!) and I thought this was kinda amusing. I've run into my share of jerky atheists, but hey, we Christians have more than enough jerks trying to represent us. (Looking at YOU,

Probably because other sicko's HAVE gotten away with it :-/ it's all just terribly enraging and sickening.

Cranberry sauce... That's what he gets for coming out at Thanksgiving dinner. Uncle is just lucky he didn't get dry ass turkey legs thrown at him!

Gotta love Dads.... Mine was a teen in the late sixties and loves to talk about what a "square" my mom was... Presumably because she was a cheerleader who didn't smoke reefer and drop acid.

I think you mean "stirrup pants were just SO TOTALLY GRODY."

I really like Colbie Caillet (sp?) too... Her music never fails to brighten my mood. Same goes for Corrine Bailey Rae.

Give me my Angie Stone or angry late 90's Alanis and Michelle Branch... Sheryl Crow, Vivian Green... Shoot even Taylor Swift gets points for writing her own songs that aren't chock full of blowjob innuendo (yeah, I'm looking at you, Katy Perry)

Hmmmm, I like it. Ashamed to say, I did not let myself analyze it because it squicked me out. The deepest I went was acknowledging that Ramsay made me feel sympathy for Theon, even though his betrayal of the Starks was so heinous. I hate/love when characters are portrayed well enough to cause internal conflict in the

I have a high tolerance for dark and twisted characters... But the Theon/Ramsey genital mutilation bit really turned my stomach and sat with me for days. I don't find them boring, just without redemption

Would you believe I actually DO have a stance re: cumin? In small dashes, (Indian/Spanish dishes, mainly) and paired with complementary spices, I can appreciate cumin. When it is overused and bitter? Off with it's proverbial head.