
Its funny how he acts so passionate about his country and about his people yet he was named in the Panama Papers.

I can’t see that gif without this anymore...

“Sure, she’s gotten better at fighting and maybe assassinating, but she leaves having only beaten the Waif because she rigged the odds.”

I would argue that learning how to rig the odds is about as important a lesson as anyone can learn in Westeros.

No one respects someone who can’t formulate a paragraph.Besides, I don’t need to “argue” with a bigoted idiot on the internet. You and Buzz are absolutely disingenuous when you claim that THIS is the line police shouldn’t cross when Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, and Freddie Gray “had it coming”. If a man

The motorcade doesn’t stop for ANYTHING. If you jumped the barricade and walked out into the road the lead car would mow you down and keep on going. They have one concern and one concern only, the well being of the President. I have worked several Presidential and Vice-Presidential motorcades. During the briefings the

It’s not the job of every New Yorker to keep track of fucking Obama’s travel schedule

Otoh... there are jobs that must be taken that seriously regardless of the innocent-seeming context. My father had a story he told me recently about when he was an officer in the Air Force inspecting nuclear missile silos. The short of it is that he got tackled and held at gun point once when his badge fell off in the

As a cyclist I say fuck that guy, the cops totally did their job.

What if he is a suicide bomber with explosives strapped to his body? The cops had 10 seconds before the man reached the president vehicle.

Long boring but true story:

Hopefully we’ll soon have another big dotcom bubble to shut some of these douchebags up for a while. Calling London “not a startup hub” because someone doesn’t like to adhere to a dress code has to be one the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time.

Your CEO better be thanking you profusely right now for saving their ass.

I’ve seen that one often enough that I looked into it. There actually is legitimate medical research showing that some substance in marijuana inhibits the growth of at least some tumors. From what I could decipher, it looks like those substances also can sometimes cause cancer cells to shrink and die. But it all

Where do these people think medicine comes from? Thin air? No, it comes from natural things like plants and minerals that have been TESTED over and over to see if it will work.

Thinking of that poor, sick baby having that bullshit shoved down his throat hurts my heart.

What I don’t get about naturopaths is that they always claim that “back in the old days” people healed themselves with these natural remedies. Well, no. They didn’t. They usually died. They might not die of a little trifling cold or fever (although some did!) but they died in large numbers of diseases that today have

This couples naturopath DID tell them to go to a fucking hospital. They chose not to.

It’s such bullshit. If apple cider vinegar actually did anything about cancer, pharmaceutical companies would drive its price through the roof.